New evidence found by BBC News casts further doubt on the Greek coastguard’s version of events surrounding last month’s deadly migrant boat sinking, in which up to 600 people died.

  • LucyLastic
    1 year ago

    And how do you feel about the report from earlier in the week which concluded that the boat sank because the Greek coastguard tried to illegally tow the boat?

    (Not the first time this has happened, BTW)

    • exapsy
      1 year ago

      Crime. I wouldn’t feel like it’s something we should do to people and unless under threat.

      You don’t understand that I’m not a radicalist. I’m not some kind of Nazi trying to say “Kill them, throw an RPG on those boats”. If they lied, it is a crime and there should be a court case for that. Massive crime.

      But at the same side, that doesn’t make illegal immigration fine.

      • LucyLastic
        1 year ago

        Nobody has said it wasn’t a crime.

        If you can’t understand that willful manslaughter and conspiracy to obstruct the legal process, by those in positions of power, is not a far worse crime then you are either arguing in bad faith or gullible enough to fall for right wing talking points.

        • exapsy
          1 year ago

          @LucyLastic I dared to make an Excel sheet just for you and for anybody.

          To get my viewpoint of why I am disgusted at this point that we not only accept, but we also exploit these people for cheap illegal labor in expense of our own population.

          There’s no but, what the coastguards did is a crime. I wish them a nice time in Jail. I’m not a right-wing. I’m a realist. I dont care about political wings and politicians. I’m a scientific mind, I care about the data and the facts that I see with my own eyes. So, as said, nice time in jail for the coastguards. What they did if they truly did it is criminal atrocity and I don’t know how you can sleep after that.

          Although, take the time, to read through the data, I left the sources, and see why I’m anti-illegal immigration and why I wish the Polish President would be the president of European Union at that point.

          From my standpoint, those people should have just been discarded back to their own countries. Not killed. I dont care what it will be done to them in their countries. And it’s wrong to kill/traumatize/injure them. It’s criminal from coastguards’ part.

          What I do stand for though is no green light ever to illegal immigration. Especially to the one we call “”“”“REFUGEES”“”“” even though they come from no war and they’re 99% men.