• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    -321 year ago

    The only child here is the one who’s ignoring all history that led up to the conflict and pretending the west had no role to play.

    • It’s incredible how you constantly try remove any agency the people of Ukraine have. I was there for Euromaidan. I know exactly what we’ve been fighting for.

      On the flip side to play devil’s advocate for a moment, even if we were to take this at face value that makes the actions of Russia toddler level bullshit. “Oh noes the evil west uwu, I have to murder tens of thousands of people now. Look what they made me do, uwu”…

      Путин, пошёл на хуй

    • @gravitas_deficiency
      51 year ago

      You’re using an incredibly naive, reductive, and highly cropped version of history if you really think that. Or, you’re arguing in bad faith. Tankies often try to pull the latter, but it’s pretty easy to spot.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        -81 year ago

        I’m literally the opposite by focusing on the history that led up to the conflict and the role that west played in creating the conditions for it. The incredibly naive, reductive, and highly cropped version of history is the claim that Russia just decided to invade Ukraine out of the blue and nothing could’ve been done to avoid that. The fact that you’re a grown ass adult using the word tankie says everything I need to know about you though.

        • @gravitas_deficiency
          01 year ago

          You’re scoping the relevant historical interval to begin at 1917. I’m scoping the relevant historical interval to begin at 482. You’re taking a highly targeted and very obviously biased view of the situation.