I comment a lot on stories having to do with state governments and legislation or regions of the country. It got me wondering how many people I’m accidentally disparaging when I don’t mean everyone in said state or region is terrible. So… Please be as specific or obtuse as your privacy filter requires. I’ll start:

I’m in the Bay Area, specifically Oakland. Despite Bay Area hate from some posters, I think it’s great. How about you?

  • southsamurai
    5 months ago

    Man, the closest I ever give to my location is in the south, in the Appalachians. Nobody needs to know more than that online, and fuck anyone that doesn’t like it lol.

    Every state here has dumb shit going on all the time. Political stupidity, economic stupidity, environmental stupidity, you name it, there’s something stupid going on in any given subject matter in most states. You find one that’s great at one thing, they’ll be horrible in another. Mind you, I’m talking the people; the land itself is incapable of stupidity, what with being mostly dirt and plants.

    Anyway. If you’re worried about disparaging people in a given state, just do what I do (and just did). Blame the idiots in California for a given issue, but don’t specify who you think the idiots are. Nobody objects to those other people that are idiots being disparaged. Why would they? Those other people are morons.

    That’s not even a joke. I mean, it’s meant to be vaguely humorous, but it’s legit.