The birth (or death) of a relative, the release of a new program, game, series, movie, the date you were dreaming about, could be anything

  • Captain Aggravated
    822 days ago

    I’m currently excited for the batch of ice cream setting up in my freezer. gonna be tasty.

    • @Grass
      422 days ago

      homemade? what flav?

      • Captain Aggravated
        422 days ago

        Poor man’s ice cream from '49

        Vanilla flavor. I’ve got some apples I intend to bake, and some strawberries I’ve cut up, it’ll go great with both.

        While the original publisher of the recipe called it “Poor man’s ice cream” and it is indeed quite inexpensive to make, I prefer to think of it as homemade soft serve. It comes out with a much softer smoother texture than traditionally churned ice cream; you’re in no danger of bending a tablespoon in this stuff. It also requires no churn; it can be made with more multifunctional tools like a hand or stand mixer.

        • @Grass
          122 days ago

          Nice I’ll check it out too