• @CaptainEffort
    13028 days ago

    Yup, walking everywhere when I briefly lived in Europe was huge for me, both for my physical and mental health.

    • @kakes
      8528 days ago

      I really miss having a reason to walk all day, like when I was in university. Now I work from home, and while I can walk around the block of whatever, it just isn’t nearly the same.

      • @[email protected]
        2728 days ago

        Another option is to install StreetComplete on your phone and do something useful for society while on a walk

        • @kakes
          528 days ago

          Ngl I like this idea. I highly doubt there’s much around me worth noting, but I’ll absolutely check it out and do what I can.

          • @[email protected]
            527 days ago

            The things around me have all been stuff like “what material is the power pole made out of?” “What is the road surface on ____ street?” “What are the restrictions on parking here?” Etc. but there is an advanced mode you can use which unlocks harder questions that less people answer

            • @kakes
              427 days ago

              Oh interesting, I kinda dig that.

              • @[email protected]
                25 days ago

                If you’re having fun with it and wanna go deeper, there is also StreetCompleteExtendedEdition (SCEE) and Vespucci

      • @[email protected]
        1328 days ago

        Get yourself into photography. You don’t need anything expensive, if you have a phone camera, that will do.

        Document the strange and interesting things in your environment. The people, the architecture.

        It gets you out of the house a mission per day. It gives you a goal.

        • @kakes
          428 days ago

          Honestly, the idea of adding another hobby to my Jenga tower of hobbies is a bit scary, but you aren’t wrong that it would get me out more. Might be worth a shot (pun intended).

          • @[email protected]
            227 days ago

            Genuinely, if it helps you feel better, you are always welcome to share your photos with me and tell me about them.

      • @[email protected]
        1028 days ago

        I WFH a couple of days per week and living in a 15 minute walkable city is wonderful for walks compared to when I lived in the suburbs. But that’s me and having an endless amount of actual stuff to walk to compared to an endless sea of cookie cutter houses and grass is my idea of heaven vs hell, in that order.

      • @[email protected]
        828 days ago

        I can recommend GPS games like pokemon go or Jurassic World Alive. Gives you some motivation and entertainment to walk once you get into it.

        • @kakes
          128 days ago

          Someone else recommended StreetComplete, which I’ll definitely be checking out.

          Loved playing Pokémon Go, but honestly it’s not as fun now that my friends don’t play, sadly.

          • @[email protected]
            27 days ago

            Look up your lcoal pokemon community on Campfire I met a ton of people through there, had many fun meetings over the years

      • @[email protected]
        828 days ago

        The same for me. Although I could and would game in the dorm as much as I liked, I’d have pretty regular evening walks with friends over 2 hours with sitting for a bit on good places around the campus. On top of regular school stuff that’d amount to 4k-5k steps, these walks would add 5k-8k more on top, sometimes totalling 20k and not a single step or minute would be boring or hard to find motivation for.

      • @funkless_eck
        628 days ago

        people giving you reasons here to leave the house - amateurs, just install an under desk treadmill

          • @funkless_eck
            428 days ago

            hell yeah! That’ll show that sun punk who’s boss.

            That’s the purpose of this sub, right?

        • @kakes
          128 days ago

          I’ve considered this, I do have a standing desk already. I agree it feels a bit depressing though haha.

        • @kakes
          628 days ago

          I have a dog, and we walk around the block(s), but it’s boring. When I can, I drive my dog down to the forest paths for a walk, but that’s like, a whole event.

          • @[email protected]
            28 days ago

            I guess there’s not much green space near where you live. That sucks. But on the plus side, you’re getting out every day thanks to your dog, at least!

      • @Kecessa
        428 days ago

        Get a dog, if you can’t then dedicate an hour or two to walking, make it an obligation.

        I WFH and walk 5 to 10km a day… If you had the time to do it before and don’t have more obligations than before then it’s on you if you don’t do it anymore…

        • @kakes
          328 days ago

          Already have one. I guess I’m including that when I say “walking around the block.” Like, I do it, but it’s boring and feels like a chore.

          Honestly, maybe I’m just spoiled because until recently I lived next to a park with a lake that I loved taking my pupper around.

          • @Kecessa
            28 days ago

            Well, don’t limit yourself to going around the block! We’ve got a 10lbs dog and he’s unstoppable, he could walk around the city for hours if we let him. Pop some earphones in, listen to a podcast about something that interests you and go!

            It’s not like going around a lake, but that’s something you can do on weekends :)

      • @[email protected]
        328 days ago

        I found excuses for myself to walk and it’s made a difference. YMMV depending on what’s around you, but like my friend and I walk to a nearby coffee shop for our lunch dates, and I’ve got a decent walk to get to the gym, which impacts how my legs/back feel hugely.

        Even just walking to a corner store to get a sparkling juice or whatever is nice.

        You got anything like that where you’re at?

        • @[email protected]
          328 days ago

          I used to do that but using eating out as an excuse to walk ends with me spending a lot more money on eating out than I should.

        • @kakes
          228 days ago

          I do have a few things within walking distance, but it’s like, a gas station and a restaurant. I do walk to those when I need to, but I try not to go off I can help it, just to save money. (That’s another frustration - that every reason to get out costs money.)

          Sadly, there’s a grocery store just outside “walking range” of my house. The last place I lived, I loved walking to the store every day for fresh groceries, but here it just isn’t feasible.

          Fortunately I should be moving soon, though, and this is all definitely going to be in mind when we choose a place.

          • @[email protected]
            328 days ago

            Damn is that the suburbs? Yeah, try to find a place with more walkable/bikeable amenities if you can, for your next place.

            The only other thing I can think of is try finding a bench a ways off to read on, or just listen to audio books or something