Yes but have you considered that brown people are to blame for all these things? And that they are also fictional lies by The Left ™ to scare you away from the horrible brown people?
Also, it’s clearly way more important that we let Chinese Intelligence Operations in broad daylight tell our youths to vote for nazis to destabilize the regions rather than peacefully coexist and solve our problems. After all, how else will we get communism if not that? /s
Yes but have you considered that brown people are to blame for all these things? And that they are also fictional lies by The Left ™ to scare you away from the horrible brown people?
And the homersexuels. Can’t forget what they did to help the brown folks.
Also, it’s clearly way more important that we let Chinese Intelligence Operations in broad daylight tell our youths to vote for nazis to destabilize the regions rather than peacefully coexist and solve our problems. After all, how else will we get communism if not that? /s