62 projected seats for nazis… great job citizens, great job -.-
There are even more, included in Nonaligned. The German Nazis (afd 16 seats) were kicked out of ID
Not to mention they were kicked out of the Nazi group, because THEY WERE TOO EXTREME FOR THEM. Wake me up in 5 years when we can hopefully stop this…
kicked out of the Nazi group, because THEY WERE TOO EXTREME FOR THEM
I was going to joke suggesting that, but you already had my joke crushed by reality being exactly that 😢
On paper they were more extreme, the right loves to be seen as not that far right when in fact they are
I have a horrible feeling that this is the beginning of a terrible slide. The racists will use this opportunity to be as obstructionist as they can and then scream in their home countries about how inefficient the EU is, and because the EU is so far away from home for most people, they’ll believe them. And then we’ll slide further.
sorry, I gotta vomit.
Second strongest party in germany as a whole and strongest in east germany. Ahead of all member parties of our current government.
ObamaMerz and Springer. Their constant Ampel bashing really fucked everything up.The Ampel may have gained control over the government at the worst possible time. Everything is currently shit and people always blame the government, even though some of that is not under their control, which currently places blame on the only three important center-left parties. Thus people turn right.
unfunny thing though is, that most of the shit we have to deal with right now comes from the time CDU/CSU was in charge.
I… I’m so fricking done.
And the CDU blames them for everything they fucked up the past 20 years.
It’s a tale as old as time. Conservatives fuck up so many things that they can’t be fixed in the one term other parties occasionally get. And when those then fail to fix everything, people go “see? They’re not better. Might as well vote conservative again.”
Even worse; the Greens get blamed for shit the FDP does, because people don’t know how coalitions work.
Who are these people?
Merz is the faction leader of Germans Conservative and Christian party CDU.
Springer is a magazine publisher known mostly for the newspaper Bild.
Ampel is the name of the current German government coalition: SPD (red), FDP (yellow) and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Green)
I see, thanks! “Conservative & Christian” sounds like a red flag.
I just had the sudden urge to downvote your comment just because I hate what you said so much.
Thing is, they would’ve probably gained even more votes if they didn’t incur so many scandals recently. People will probably forget about those until the next national elections
and on the other hand, Mannheim and Sylt kinda helped them.
Not sure about Sylt, but Mannheim was devinetively in their favour.
I think they mainly lost votes because of BSW. Putin dick-riders can now choose, their scandals usually don’t matter to their voters
And ID got 30 seats in France. Macron is having a new election on the 30th and well
I am ashamed of my fellow citizens for making this happened. 35 seats, they get 35, RN + La France Fière (Zemmour).
Can anybody explain his thinking? Why would you hand the fascists the wheel?
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That sounds an awful lot like what Hindenburg / von Papen thought they could do.
Afd result is mind boggling
around 16.5% yeah, that is not just mind boggling but also fecking disheartening.
I blame it on the greens for not fielding Habeck as chancellor candidate. I’m probably going to be salty about that one for the next 40 years.
Sadly you can blame it on FDP for blocking every single positive thing this government might have done.
We could’ve had a Green-Red or at least Red-Green government is what I mean.
…but, no, the Greens said “there’s no female chancellor candidate, there must be one, therefore we will field a politician who’s at least two magnitudes less electable” – and that after no less than 16 years of Merkel. As if anything had to be proven on that front. As if self-congratulatory symbol politics would ever have gotten us anywhere.
I don’t disagree that Habeck would have been the better candidate, I just don’t believe he would have changed the outcome by that much.
In the end I think much of the difference between polls and election came from people saying they want climate protection, but in the end the yearly flight to Mallorca was more important.
people saying they want climate protection, but in the end the yearly flight to Mallorca was more important.
Nope that’s cope. Classical green cope pattern, btw: “The people have a good heart but the devil of carbon is whispering in their ear”.
Firstoff: No, people are aware that there might be some quality of life changes involved in climate change. The question they’re asking is not “whether” but “do they make sense”. “Do they lead somewhere”.
Secondly: Sleeper trains and ferries exist. In principle you can fall asleep in Spandau and wake up in Palma.
Thirdly, because it’s been so much fun: Who the fuck thought mandating houses to get individual heat pump installations was a good idea – I mean I get it, members of the green party are usually well off, they bought one of those and thought it would be a great idea for everyone. Thing is: Ask scientists, they’re saying district heating is the much better solution. When it comes to resource usage, overall cost, and definitely cost for the home owners.
But the Green party would never field a candidate to win, or a policy to be popular, or that failing, to be actually efficient because y’all are too busy driving your Cayenne to the farmer’s market. And I mean what I say there: The Greens are considered hypocrites, caring about a gazillion things but nature and people’s relationship with it.
Classical green cope pattern, btw: “The people have a good heart but the devil of carbon is whispering in their ear”.
You’re misrepresenting me, I never said anybody had a good heart. People are hypocrites. In theory they are all for the greater good as long as their own personal cost is zero.
Secondly: Sleeper trains and ferries exist. In principle you can fall asleep in Spandau and wake up in Alma.
And how is that relevant to what I said? What point are you trying to make here? You can also bike to work, many people still prefer to drive.
Who the fuck thought mandating houses to get individual heat pump installations was a good idea
First, nobody ever planned to mandate that. It’s a lie made up by Bild and the FDP. From the very beginning the only thing the heating law was going to mandate was that your heating had to run on 60% (I believe, don’t cite me on the exact number) CO2 neutral energy. Heat pumps are just automatically assumed to fulfill this condition, regardless of the current energy mix in Germany. But it was always going to be up to you how you fulfilled this condition.
Second, it IS a good idea. You can instantly lose one entire set of pipes going into your home and you instantly more than halve your carbon emissions even with the current energy mix. Yes it works, yes it also works in a cold winter, and no you don’t have to instantly insulate your entire home, renew your roof and all your internal piping. At least not if you don’t live in a farm house from the 1930s that never had any work done.
Thing is: Ask scientists, they’re saying district heating is the much better solution.
Which is an option and would have been an option under the original law.
Also, what actual scientist says that, as an absolute, no “ifs”, no conditions?
Because the thing is, if your district heating runs on fossils, which most do, it does jack shit to combat carbon emissions and helps exactly zero.
Also, getting hooked up to district heating isn’t free either.
It also doesn’t help if your city maybe sorta plans to start planning district heating to be eventually implemented some time in the 2090s, but only if we have enough money and the next 20 governments don’t change the plan along the way. Emissions need to be reduced now, not some day in the future if we feel like it. Decentralized solutions are faster and can be implemented by individuals without waiting for political decisions that could happen in 10 years or never.
This is an excuse to not have to act, nothing more.
Greens and SPD never had a majority in any poll at the time and they weren’t even close to it. Greens might have been stronger but probably SPD weaker in turn. We might have ended up with Jamaika in the end. Don’t forget that a conservative anti-Habeck campaign would’ve also been possible. He had some unpopular positions back then, too, like giving weapons to Ukraine. What kind of insane warmonger amirite?
What kind of insane warmonger amirite?
That’s some Fundie shit. Seriously, noone but Fundies consider Realos to be war-mongers. They’re also the only ones considering “Olivgrün” an insult. It’s like vegans acting surprised when noone cares about their moraline-sour opinion of vegetarians.
Conservatives wouldn’t have been able to touch Habeck, either, the man can quarrel with SH farmers calling him a clueless city boy and come out on top with everyone respecting him. Remember his Israel speech? Where one was left wondering “that was damn good, why isn’t the chancellor doing that”? “why isn’t the foreign minister doing that”? The answer is simple: Because neither of them are able to. They had to ignore their actual functions in government to get the message out.
Giving weapons to Ukraine was not popular back then, on the contrary. Habeck got a lot of shit for his statements, not only from his own party but all the other ones including conservatives.
I agree that he is much better rhetorically than Baerbock but I don’t think he would have made Chancellor or even if he made Chancellor, green-red would not have made it, they would have needed the FDP anyway.
That might have been a strategic mistake idk, but it’s not as bad as the cxu and many more parties straight up copying nazi talking points and steering the discussion towards the afd and against the GrEeNs °o°
The newspapers are also to blame.
I’m voting as hard as I can, okay 🥵
I wish you could just vote harder
Well, you can vote harder. The polls are not the only place you vote. Every purchase is a vote. Most people neglect their consumer power. I’m boycotting hundreds (if not thousands) of harmful companies and products, including Amazon. You can always vote harder by investigating the shops and brands you support. You can investigate whether your bank invests in the fossil fuel energy and change banks (or better, become unbanked). You can follow the !climate_action_individual@slrpnk.net community.
E.g. certainly one small thing @lurch@sh.itjust.works can do is ditch sh.itjust.works for a different instance. Website weight has quadrupled since Cloudflare took hold because CF encourages web admins to create heavy websites. sh.itjust.works is CF-based.
Not sure if we should call them Nazi, as they kicked out the German Nazis, as explained in other comments. Maybe call them nationalists or ultra nationalists?
They kicked out the German Nazis because they celebrated the SS, which is a no-go for French Nazis. Doesn’t make them less Nazi, just the French kind that doesn’t like to be killed by German Nazis
But what is a Nazi? I thought someone who praises or follows the idea and ideology of Hitler Germany. So if someone says „ah this sounds too much like hitler or what is closest followers would say, therefore I dislike it“ can you then really call them a nazi? If someone think „this is to German“ can you be a nazi? After all Nazis where also German ultra nationalists, who think people who are not German are of less worthy. So since other nationalistic parties follow this ideology, but just replace Germany by their own country, I think Ultra nationalists is better fitting. You would also not say Japanese Nazis or Thailand Nazis. Or if you would say Argentinia Nazis, people who know should understand something very different.
It’s only Nationalsozialismus if it’s from the Nationalsozialismusregion, otherwise it’s just sparkling fascism
Ah never thought about this origin. So Nazi means basically someone who supports Socialistic Nationalism, no matter for which country? ! Did not think about this but it makes sense.
Yeah, it’s short for National Socialism which was just a rebranding of Fascism in Germany to get Workers on board. So I guess Fascism is the better term to use in any case but seriously, it’s just different flavours of the same shit so I think it’s a mood point to differentiate. They all support the same ideology and policies
Don’t forget ECR :(
ECR is shit, they’re a bunch of eurosceptic, anti-immigration, libertarian conservative nationalists, but they don’t hold a candle to ID, who are that, but on steroids.
Libertarian nationalist? Isn’t that mutually exclusive?
Oh yeah, but not if you’re only libertarian against laws that tell you not to exploit people or destroy the planet.
I bet they say the same thing about you.
either you didn’t picked up my sarcasm or…?
I’m terribly bad at picking up sarcasm.
I’m also sorry for not marking it as such.
I think the most important topic right now is confronting the climate change and the problems it is going to cause, on every level local, regional, national and international. This looming crisis is going to affect everything and everyone on an existential level, and requires every of these government levels, even every individual, to fucking work and to fucking stand together.
And now my compatriots elect AfD.
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Humanity can go extinct. We deserve it. I feel bad for all the animals we kill along with us.
It’s difficult to extinct us. If will take a thousand years of volcanoes, bad harvests, pandemics without vaccines, etc.
We’re just so many now.
What’s a lot faster is to wipe away the achievements of civilization, pushing us back into a state where starvation, disease and suffering are the norm and not the exception.
If you can’t afford your bills you don’t care about climate change.
Edit: I know, that climate change will only worsen your financial situation, but a lot of people don’t see the long term effects on them and the economy.
Part of the reason why you can’t afford your bills is climate change and it’s going to get worse, doesn’t prevent people from taking their car to drive 500m to drop their kids to school!
Well, the conservatives will sure help the little man to have more money in their pockets. (PSA: they won’t)
Also, if the land you live on is flooded or dries out, you can’t live there anymore. That’s the far greater threat to peoples’ existence. They just think they’ll be among the lucky survivors and only some nasty brown people will die.
It seems anti-immigration is driving all these right wing votes. And xenophobia manifests from the naïve idea that immigrants will somehow reduce incomes.
What is the priority then? I guess the sensible option would be to tax the rich more, and fight for a better distribution of wealth, right?
But that is not at all what the blue and right parties are standing for, quite the contrary.
The human is primed for tribalism and these parties are exploiting that bug to offer the always-attractive solution of “this group of people is to blame”. This time, it’s Muslims and generally immigrants.
Because I’m sure your house getting swept away in the third flood to break records that month is REALLY gonna help your bills!
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The Bad financial Situation of people is one reason why people tend to vote for the right wing parties. Its not the only one, but its part of the problem.
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society was a mistake. just make it end fast.
Yes but have you considered that brown people are to blame for all these things? And that they are also fictional lies by The Left ™ to scare you away from the horrible brown people?
And the homersexuels. Can’t forget what they did to help the brown folks.
Also, it’s clearly way more important that we let Chinese Intelligence Operations in broad daylight tell our youths to vote for nazis to destabilize the regions rather than peacefully coexist and solve our problems. After all, how else will we get communism if not that? /s
One is easy to perceive as bad and the other takes some thinking about to really appreciate.
Putin absolutely loving this
I’m literally crying looking at this. People are mad that there are 8.6% of nazis, meanwhile, over here in Russia, there’s like 7.8% reps in the upper house and <4% in the lower who might secretly NOT be a nazi. The rest are pretty open about it.
I thought the right would be more anti Putin
That’s the thing, you think that because they keep saying they like their country more than the others, a foreign leader who hates and want harms to their country would be their enemy.
The truth is (1) they get a boner for the authoritarian way Putin leads Russia and (2) Putin treats them well because he knows that strengthening those parties weaken the country they’re in.
Also Putin hates EU, and they hate EU. The difference is that Putin hates EU because he knows that European countries are stronger together.
And it is not only Putin who loves this. Other Dictators also love to see the rise of extremists in Europe.
Well you thought wrong. What even gave you that idea? Recent and older scandals have proven, that the authoritarians in Austria, Czechia and Germany (probably elsewhere too) are receiving money and orders from Putin. They’re not even nationalists in that sense, they just love fascism. Even trump with all his “America first” bs loves Putin. All enemies of democracy will work together to dismantle it.
I thought they’d be more anti barbarism, and generally aggressive/pro war. Thanks for pointing that out, it was naive of me to think otherwise
so, what’s the story behind your apparent 10 year old coma (or some kind of hermit living)?
The growth of the far right isn’t that terrible on a vacuum, since it’s just a small growth anyway. The real bad news is this:
This is, traditional conservative parties starting to talk about cooperation with the far right, rather than with centrists. If you thought far right euroskeptics were cringe, just you wait to see the far right that wants to remodel the EU to their taste - and are capable of passing reforms.
Look at all those parties! The American mind struggles to comprehend this.
While I am all for laughing at the 'Muricans for making themselves out to be the prime democratic nation on the planet while having the choice between a conservative and an ultra-conservative party only, this time, we cannot indulge in this kind of thing to feel superior. We need to make sure we actually stay superior now, which… isn’t a given anymore.
‘Haha you guys only have the choice between conservative and far-right’
only elects conservatives and far-right
-us europeans rn
The 2nd biggest fraction is center-left, and the third is mostly-center (although one might argue that one quite a lot)
Centrism is your feudal lord agreeing that serfs have rights.
That one hurts.
And those are just the party coalitions, where the different national parties that are sent from all 27 countries form groups based on common agendas
As a latent American, apparently, I also struggle to make sense of it (I’m planning to research those parties, but haven’t gotten to it yet)
Also, naming of parties seems often misleading, maybe even on purpose
Could you recommend some resources I can use for a crash course on who’s who in EP, or maybe someone can summarise the projected results and what are the expected problems?
These political groups are formed by members elected by national voters. A group can be formed as long as they have at least 25 members from at least one quarter of EU countries. They’re pretty much analogous to a party, they work in broadly the same way. In the Image above they’re broadly organised from Left to Right politically:
The LEFT group is, well, pretty left. They include Communists and Socialists, and in their own way can be a bit eurosceptic, although they typically want to reform or replace the EU rather than just disbanding it.
The GREENS are also pretty left, with a focus on Climate, Animal Rights, Income Equality, Feminism, that sort of thing. They are generally pro-Europe.
The S&D group are center left. Members tend to be from say, the Labour party of various countries. They want things like fairer employment and more regulated market. They were the largest party in the EU until 1999, now the second largest.
RENEW are Center, pretty Liberal (in the Phil Ochs sense). They’re pro-business and want a strong economy, but they at least talk up things like civil rights and social welfare (I don’t know enough about them to judge how well they do in practise). They’re very pro-EU, and have billed themselves as ‘the Pro-European political group’.
The EPP are center-right, pretty conservative. Lots of ‘Christian Democratic’ representation. Neoliberal, want more defence spending, pro-Europe, pro-Ukraine. They say they’re focused on the climate, but the Greens say that that’s a lie. They’ve been the biggest group since 1999.
The ECR calls itself center-right (but is really a bit right-er), and ‘soft-eurosceptic’. This Eurosceptism is their main thing: They support the idea of the EU, so they say, but they want to prevent it from going ‘too far’, with too much oversight, integration, and immigration. Some members are your standard conservative types, some are far-right.
The ID group is far-right. They don’t like the EU, and are opposed to it interfering with the ‘sovereignity’ of States. Anti-immigration, anti-‘islamisation’, pro-nationalism.
Nonaligned (technically ‘non-inscrits’) are just that - they haven’t joined with any of the above blocs.
These projected results broadly show increased support for the right over the left, but more sharply show gains for the Eurosceptic ID and Non-Inscrits (who often are Eurosceptic, but not always and I don’t actually know the individual cases here) at the expense of the pro-EU Greens and Renew. So it doesn’t look great for fans of the European Left.
Thanks, it looks like the right are really on the rise as of lately, I heard about this happening in the Netherlands, in Spain, now the EP :(
Also, I hope we’re not going to see another Brexit(s), especially considering how the UK citizens seem now to think it was a mistake
Portugal is also sending for the first time our dear fascists to the europe. It’s all imploding in our lifetimes.
I thought europe is pretty balanced/leftist, but that sounds quite biased towards right already.
Traditionally, the EU has been governed by an informal coalition of the two largest groups/parties, centre-right EPP and centre-left S&D, both being pro-EU. After the last election where they underperformed, they were joined by the third largest group, centrist, pro-EU Renew.
This election, pro-EU groups collectively have lost a lot of seats while right-wing EU-sceptic groups gained seats. The most radical of these groups, ID, made the biggest gains. This will make coalition building and therefore governing way more complicated.
European parties are alliances of national parties from various member states. Those representatives elected to the European Parliament for the national parties form so called groups. Typically, these groups correspond to the European parties. Usually, it makes more sense to talk about the groups rather than the parties.
I know! It looks like a fkn rainbow!
And now the right will go and ignore the migration issue (as solving it will cost them votes) and go ahead and make other shit right wing policy.
Farmers that do not grow crops for direct human consumption should not get subsidies.
You act as though they could “solve the migration issue” even if they wanted.
Oh they absolutely could and would but they know “solving” it would expose them for the fascists they are (case in point there have been several “isolated cases” of AfD politicians behind closed doors literally demanding migrants be shot at the borders)
Can someone knowledgeable here explain this projection in relation to green policies and carbon goals?
I assume they are now (even) less likely to be in form of mandates and we are moving towards ‘capitalism (with a lil stimulus push here and there) will solve the problem it created’?
Tho maybe nuclear energy could also get a little bit more (re)renewed traction?Also, the whole internet surveillance isn’t going away now, is it?
With the German Pirate Party loosing its seat a strong voice against surveilance is lost.
They also supplied NGOs with information directly from the legislative process, allowing them to act faster (and sometimes you have to be very fast to comment on minor changes with great effect) I hope somebody else at least partly takes on this role.
Too bad, yeah. But Patrick became a father and wants to continue his job as a judge at home. His work will be missed.
Anything blue or on the right of blue will vote against green policies. That’s your threshold I guess. Same for surveillance (blue ->pro).
*everything yellow an right of yellow
another 5 years lost in the time critical task to slow climate change, i could cry …
That’s not correct. As far as I know, VOLT for example is part of the reformers “yellow”, and they will vote for climate stuff.
then the line goes somwhere inside yellow because fdp is also part of yellow afaik and they are lobbying for porsche
No, Volt are part of the green/EFA
The parties consistently voting in favor of green policies were Greens, Left and Socialdemocrats, with Liberals and independents varying wildly. Some decarbonization goals are still in place, but the new equilibrium may vote to revoke some of them and the actual laws to enforce them for good will likely not be passed.
The EU past a lot of actually good policy in the last term. Namely ban of fossil fuel cars 2035, limiting certificates for the EUs carbon market, new carbon market for transport and housing and a bunch of other laws, which actually have some positive impact. For the most part the EU parliament was not only in favour, but activly pushing for it being one of the most pro enviromental policy parliaments in the world. That is probably going to stop and they likely try to kill some of the laws passed. So the key in the future will be defence for most enviromental groups. The laws which have been passed will lower emissions, but not fast enough.
As for nuclear the EU is so far this year at 73.2% clean electricity. The large countries with a lot of fossil fuels are Poland, Italy and Germany. Of those only Poland is activly pushing for nuclear. The EU parliament is not able to force the other two to do that.
Here is a clip of a talk show where Robert Habeck of the green party explains why nuclear is not ecological:
I think it is clear for most people that nuclear is not sustainable and only a short term solution. Now is actually a great opportunity to push for renewable energies also because it is important to get a foot into the market before China takes it all.
I don’t think they really care if it’s eco or not. It’s a 20-30 year boondoggle during which time they can carry on burning fossil fuels while vetoing anything green under the pretence of “but the nuclear is already on the way”.
And by the time the nuclear is built, it won’t be enough (because of all the electric cars), so they’ll carry on with the coal and gas anyway.
Short term and nuclear do not belong in the same sentence. It takes a decade to build a single plant.
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Also, the whole internet surveillance isn’t going away now, is it?
Here are the results of last chat control voting, for example:
Can we take a moment to consider that everything is the fault of the Italians. The Italians, and only the Italians:
Why the hell are your polling stations open until 23:00? Who the hell votes at that time? Is it one of those “not cappuccino after 11 – no voting before dusk” kind of superstitions? You’re the reason we don’t have proper projections yet!
Why the hell are your polling stations open until 23:00?
That’s just barely in time to vote after dinner!
I was just in Rome, and when I started getting hungry there was still an hour left until most restaurants even opened (19:30). Pure insanity to my Scandinavian habits.
I was in Stockholm and I felt horribly when I started feeling hungry and I noticed restaurants were already closing 😂
Then vote after your morning espresso!
Or like me: Go to vote whenever, visit the Italian ice cream parlour on the way back.
You want to make it harder to vote just to get faster unofficial projections?
We’re already done counting. They’re actively not updating the results because the Italians can’t be bothered to vote during daytime. On a Sunday.
EDIT: State results are in. Well, almost completely.
Considering the next elections one should form a national party to expand pause times to multiple hours as well, so that we can bear 35 degree celcius in april 2029.
Either spains siesta approach or adapting italias layed-back attitude both sounds promising!!
Italy has taken in a lot of refugees and will thus probably have rather high right wing voter turnout.
We’re speedrunning the collapse of civilization. And people are only getting dumber. Don’t worry, it’s all gonna be over soon.
Where is Volt?
Edit: green
Are you sure? I thought they were part of renew
They fucking switched after I checked! I’m not joking!
Are the non-aligned a "party"that would rather not be named (on the right wing of things) or are they actually non aligned and would be better represented as being in the middle of this chart?
Different fractions, some of them are not aligned yet because they are new. However, for the biggest groups: 17 MEPs are the German AfD that was kicked out of the right-most group for being too Nazi, 11 MEPs are Fidesz (Orban) which is right-wing and the list goes on, so for the most part the position is mostly correct.
Wow, Europe, you guys sure are worrying us a little.
– Best regards, South East Asia
We are worrying ourselves too
But AfD is in the ID group?!
They were kicked out just before the election
Oof, that does make the whole picture even more bleak
Especially because they were kicked out for being too Nazi for the other European Right-Wing extremists.
Well I’d recon they were to blatantly obvious Nazi, not necessarily actually too Nazi
I’m saddened by the result. I wonder what the cause is for this.
Lots of reports of massive funding by Russia in influence campaigns.
Looks like Russia influenced the bigger countries more and got far right in. Meanwhile Nordics had cleaner elections and Leftists rose the most
Is this why people say Putin is evil smart? While making mistakes, it doesn’t matter in the large scheme of screwing with the opponent
Putin is a former KGB agent. He’s good at the things that the KGB were good at, because that’s how he was trained. Foreign influence is one of those things that he’s very good at thanks to that training, and Russia has been good at for a very long time, actually. So it’s kind of one of Russia’s core competencies.
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I don’t know the causes, but dark times lie ahead of us.
Young voters did this, ironically enough, according to BBC World News. Young people struggling to get jobs after graduation think that right wing parties will fix that.
So as older generations are trying not to hand-off a burning planet to the young, the young are signing up for a burning planet under some delusion that right wingers will get them jobs. Schools have apparently failed to teach kids that the jobs they get under conservative governance are shit jobs – lousy pay and lousy benefits.
The Nazi Party’s popularity increased in the early 1930s partly because of its pledge to do what no other political party had been able to accomplish: pull Germany out of the Great Depression and put Germans back to work.
put Germans back to work
Well they weren’t wrong … :-/
They did it by putting women out of work
Although that was definitely part of their ideology I’m not sure if they really did accomplish it. Do you have a source, would be an interesting read.
At least during the war more women than ever did/had to do paid work.