• @[email protected]
    1423 days ago

    Yes, it is compassionate to oppose a war. Even if you personally don’t feel one side is human, you must understand that both sides are going to suffer massive casualties right?

    And even if you don’t consider either side human, you know we spend billions on keeping South Korea militarized right? We’re still paying for that war in rotting infrastructure and schools even if it’s not our blood being spilled.

    Then again, if I had a nickle for every time I heard someone extol how much they care for the Ukrainian people also say that the war is a wonderful way to kill Russians without spilling a drop of American blood, I’d be able to afford a house. I suspect that you don’t care about either side’s people or your own beyond how their lives can be spent to defend western hegemony.

    • @[email protected]
      -1023 days ago

      Yes, it is compassionate to oppose a war.

      It is not compassionate to support a brutal dictatorship.

      Even if you personally don’t feel one side is human

      Nice strawman you started building, it’s a shame you stopped half way.

      And even if you don’t consider either side human

      Another half attempt at finishing your strawman?

      you know we spend billions

      You’re making a lot of assumptions here.

      keeping South Korea militarized right?

      If only they didn’t have a brutal dictatorship next door.

      We’re still paying


      I suspect that you don’t care about either side’s people

      It only took you three paragraphs to complete your strawman! Congrats you did it.

      defend western hegemony.

      Cry about it tankie scum.

        • @[email protected]
          22 days ago

          Allowing aggression to go unchecked is the opposite of opposing war - it literally encourages more.

        • @[email protected]
          222 days ago

          Yes it does, when the war you’re opposing is one intended to bring consequences to a dictator. Unopposed dictators continue to dictate and empower other dictators. You don’t stop a bully by turning the other cheek. That just gets you punched in both sides of the face. You stop a bully by bringing them consequences to their actions. When there are no consequences, the actions continue.

          If you’d like to read more about this, please check into the entirety of human history.

          • @[email protected]
            222 days ago

            Literally nowhere in any of my responses have I alluded to me being an absolute pacifist. In fact, one of my replies implies that I’m not, I’m just against war (because, you know, it’s fucking atrocious for all involved), because you can absolutely oppose the act of war while still being down for some violence yourself.

        • @[email protected]
          022 days ago

          My argument is they should have been shot.

          The weak little dictator isn’t going to get into a shooting match with the South over a couple of dead soldiers.

          If you think they will then you know nothing of the history.

          • @[email protected]
            522 days ago

            killing two soldiers doesn’t solve anything. They should invade north korea and fill it with a thousand McDonalds. Its the only way to restore freedom™