• @[email protected]
      3315 days ago

      An incel murdered their (someone else’s) daughter and photos of it spread online: ‘They (horrible people/incels) would tag us (the family members) in it’

      • @funkless_eck
        -1015 days ago

        why do so many people have trouble with headlines or is it a bit people like to do?

        I understood it perfectly.

        • @Grass
          715 days ago

          headlines belong in aneurysm posting. There is no reason to write like that for non-print ever, and even with print you can just make it fit since its all digital now anyway.

          • @snugglesthefalse
            615 days ago

            Yeah, if it said “their daughter was murdered by an incel” there would be no ambiguity but they chose poor wording.