• @[email protected]
    48 days ago

    The difference that you fail to point out is that one guy, Biden, has been (unsuccessfully so far) trying to rein in Bibi and his genocidal policies, where as Trump has told Bibi to hurry up and finish exterminating Palestine. If you can’t see a clear difference you are not paying attention.

    • NoLifeGaming
      68 days ago

      Most of what biden has done is political posturing. It’s only to placate the voters and for them to think he wants to do something when in fact he’s a die hard zionist.

    • @[email protected]
      8 days ago

      Lots of talk, no action: that’s bullshit Political Propaganda 101 when a politician in power wants to do something which most of his voters are strongly against.

      His Administration’s actions are exactly the opposite, from the weapons shipments to Israel going around Congress that included 2000lb bombs to UN Vetos and saying that the ICJ shouldn’t even be evaluating the case against Israel for Genocide (clearly this Administration fears a veredict of “guilty”, which means they do believe Israel is likely comitting what amounts to Genocide under International Law).

      The non-sociopath path for America would’ve be “Perfect Neutrality” (no action at all), yet Biden choses actual military and diplomatic support, including condemning anti-Genocide demonstrators as “anti-semitic” and condoning the use of police violence against them all the while in this specific subject lying just as shamelessly as Trump.

      • @[email protected]
        28 days ago

        The non-sociopath path for America would’ve be “Perfect Neutrality” (no action at all)

        Reminds me of the rail union workers trying to strike.

      • @WolfLink
        -58 days ago

        Ok yeah wow Biden sucks so you think he’s worse than the other guy? The guy who thinks we should do more?

        • @[email protected]
          28 days ago

          Your “you’re not with us so you must be against us” is an old Fascist trope.

          Might want to tone down that rabid tribalism as your “arguments” are awfully close to the other guys style of argumentation.

          • @WolfLink
            -28 days ago

            I’m not at all tribalist I’m just not ignorant of the two-sided nature of this election.