When you think MURDER, think MARCUS MUNITIONS!

  • southsamurai
    8 months ago

    That’s what I’m saying too, indirectly.

    The realistic customer base for these machines is both small and seasonal. The only reason to actively choose them as a source for ammunition is if you’re an idiot that can’t remember to pack enough ammo for whatever you’ll be doing.

    The only demographic I can think of that would is hunters that are away from their usual stores. My family, as an example, goes squirrel hunting together sometimes. Not me, I’m not much of a hunter, but I sometimes go along to hang and chill at the camp fire at nights. Nobody has ever run out of ammo, but if they did, and nobody else had any (unlikely), those of us that travel from out of state might just go to the closest place, and get just enough to finish the weekend.

    You just don’t go shooting without ammo, unless you’re specifically going to a range that also sells ammo. Even then, most people bring their own unless the range is fairly cheap on ammo.

    Is it possible that some mass shooter would be dumb enough to know how to get the guns, but not the ammo, and use one of these? I guess, humans are pretty fucking dumb on average. But it would only be the really stupid ones. It would be like going to the hobby shop for a model rocket, and not buying motors. Like, the two things are inseparable, they’re next to useless without the other.

    Why buy/steal a gun and not get the ammo at the same place? If you already had the guns, why didn’t you already have ammo? Maybe someone that just inherited the firearms wouldn’t have the ammo with it.

    These machines are just a weird business plan, like you said.