discharge = discharge from hospital

  • @Apytele
    2 months ago

    Doin’ it right now! Also fun story, when I went to get sterilized I found out I’d had endometriosis for years (they saw it on the scope when they were checking to make sure they got the whole tubes). My mother, were I still speaking to her, would be indignant to know that my IUD probably actually preserved my fertility up until that point. But conservatives never like knowing how the female body actually works, they just want it to do what they tell it to regardless of what the person attached to it actually wants.

    • @[email protected]
      312 months ago

      My wife has Endo, and many doctors failed to diagnose it. One even told her she couldn’t possibly have it, because it is a “complicated disease” (okay…? How does that mean she doesn’t have it, dumbass?).

      Finally went to some fancy, private practitioner dude that is well known for his study in Endo. He did a simple pelvic exam and said rather casually “yep you have Endometriosis. It felt like you have rocks in your vagina”. APPARENTLY IT WAS SO BAD IT COULD BE FELT, BUT OTHER DOCTORS WERE TOO INCOMPETENT TO NOTICE.

      Really lost a lot of respect for the average doctor after that.