• @jubilationtcornpone
    29 days ago

    I would hate to be a teenager in this day and age. The amount of drama that gets started over shit like you’re talking about is insane.

    As shitty as Facebook is, Snapchat takes that and dials it up to an 11.

    I have it on good info from my 16 year old that it is completely unacceptable to:

    • Leave a snap (message) unopened for any major length of time. How long is highly subjective.
    • Open a snap and not respond.
    • Group chat.
    • Send a normal message that doesn’t include a cringy photo of half your face.

    Kids actually get upset over this stuff.

    I’m just like, “I have a phone number. You can call or text it. If I feel like talking to you I’ll answer. If that’s a problem for you, too damn bad.”

    • @[email protected]
      2129 days ago

      Social media was a mistake and a phone camera is the worst invention of our lifetimes.

      We destroyed society for absolute shit.

      • Fubber Nuckin'
        1229 days ago

        Phone cameras are actually pretty cool imo. Social media was def a mistake tho.

      • Transporter Room 3
        629 days ago

        But for a time, a few shareholders got super rich! So totally great tradeoff, 100% worth it.

      • @taladar
        28 days ago

        I disagree. Advertising with a tracking component was the worst invention of our lifetimes. Or, if you are really old, possibly advertising in general. It provides 90% of the incentive for companies to want all your information in the first place.

      • @brbposting
        429 days ago

        Almost nobody would undo the internet, but plenty of kids would undo social media (ONLY if it meant deleting it for all their peers, self removal doesn’t count).

        Per Hard Fork podcast a couple months back

    • @[email protected]
      1529 days ago

      open a snap and not respond

      THIS is the crazy one for me… I’m not a big user anymore but when I was, my friends and I used it for sending bullshit that didn’t require a response. Snapchat is awful for actual conversation

    • @objectionist
      1129 days ago

      hi, teenager here, yeah it sucks ass and i lost a lot of friendships over simple petty shit that didn’t matter

      they were sensitive and i guess i grew up a bit differently

      • @[email protected]
        228 days ago

        Don’t worry. It’s just a normal part of life to grow, apart. I feel that in any time or era, if a friendship would crumble over petty BS, it wasn’t made of strong bonds. Still though, it can be saddening and disappointing. I’m sorry.

    • @PrincessLeiasCat
      729 days ago

      And it gets worse than that - my partner is an admin at a high school, and the cyber bullying, filming of fights, and the viral TikTok trends that make students just do overall dumb shit at school is insane. Not to mention the students who have IG pics posing with guns that have a vaguely threatening caption. The teachers and admins have to try and monitor all that, if they can. Luckily a lot of the students who see it first do notify someone. It’s just a whole new world. So glad I didn’t have to deal with that shit when I was in school.

      • @jubilationtcornpone
        629 days ago

        That amazes me too. My original point wasn’t to shit on kids. A lot of them don’t know any better and their parents failed them by letting them go skipping into the digital crack houses that are smart phones. Myself included.

        But I find it fascinating how much “social” media seems to have increased the level of… uh… Dumbass behavior and the need to record and share every damned thing you do. In fairness, it’s not just kids that do this.

        Most of the time, when my kid is having a dumbass moment, her mom and I already have a pretty good idea that something is up. We are ALWAYS able to confirm it with pictures or videos because these kids seem incapable of doing stupid shit without recording it for posterity.

        It always goes something like this:

        Me: “Were you drinking at [random friends] house?”

        Her: “No. I wouldn’t do that.”

        Me: “Oh. Really?” Plays video of my child falling down drunk

        Me: “That’s so weird. [Random friend] has another friend that looks exactly like you.”

        Her: “Whoops.”

        Me: “Yeah. Whoops.”

        Don’t get me wrong. Teenager me made plenty of stupid decisions and the few camera phones floating around during my high school years weren’t good for much. But there was no way in hell I would have let someone take pictures of me doing something that I knew I would have gotten in trouble for. Because sure as shit that photographic evidence would somehow have made it’s way to my parents.

        • @taladar
          228 days ago

          But I find it fascinating how much “social” media seems to have increased the level of… uh… Dumbass behavior and the need to record and share every damned thing you do.

          I wouldn’t necessarily say that social media has increased the level of dumbass behavior (with the exception of being dumb enough to record it). Teenagers and adults alike had plenty of dumb behavior before social media and phone cameras too. Even the desperate need to impress others isn’t really new, people have poisoned (with drugs, makeup,…), mutilated (with plastic surgery) or bankrupted (with big houses, cars, boats,…) themselves since long before social media to impress others.

    • @[email protected]
      429 days ago

      groupchat is unacceptable

      So I’m in my really early 20s so i like to think i still able to relate to the youngings and hip youth but man thats just so odd to me

      Tbf me and my friends have always been the weird kids so maybe its that but almost all my communication is either in a discord group chat with my irl buddies and some of their buddies, or a very small server that’s the same plus some of my online buddies.

      On the note of being weird I never really got social media like instagram and stuff as I either wanna “follow” topics and following people I don’t know feels odd.

      I do see the appeal tho as my sister is super into sports so following some of the big names that might move her forward makes sense to me

      I had a point in here at one point but this just turned into a ramble

      • @taladar
        228 days ago

        I either wanna “follow” topics and following people I don’t know feels odd.

        Or at the very least just everything a particular person has to say about a particular topic, not about everything in their life (e.g. some author I like on the topic covered by their books, some programmer on their project,…).

    • @[email protected]
      328 days ago

      I’m a 28 years old asocial individual.

      One girl (kinda same age) got highly irritated over me answering 20 minutes after seeing her message (wet hands, rain), and told not to text her again after me being reluctant to answer something romantic with sore throat, food poisoning and sleep deprivation at the same time.

      (TBH, I do get a bit nervous when people don’t answer me in half an hour or so, but! I’m always conscious of this simply being my own anxiety, not something they are communicating.)

        • @[email protected]
          128 days ago

          I don’t think she’s much weirder than myself ; but yes, there are things people have to understand for any relationship with them to be possible, and in this case my understanding was better.

    • @sugar_in_your_tea
      229 days ago

      Wow, that’s nuts. I’d be a terrible kid these days if that’s the case, because I’m lucky if I check my phone for messages more than twice/day. Usually I check around lunch time, and again when I’m putting off making dinner.