• @Aurenkin
    23 days ago

    Nobody is saying invading Taiwan would be a good idea, the CCP has been very consistent in stating that they are willing to do it though.

    I personally thought Ukraine wouldn’t be invaded by Russia because it would make no sense and go against Russia’s interests. Turns out I was half right, but it happened anyway.

    So let’s hope that it’s all sabre rattling and continue planning for the worst.

    • @[email protected]
      23 days ago

      Russia invaded Ukraine twice before there was a war, Putin took Georgia before that, very little international response happened. It wasn’t until Ukraine had the Revolution of Dignity in 2014 before anyone was even concerned about Ukraine and when Zelensky was elected, a comedian, Putin thought he could have his special operation and assassinate Zelensky.

      There’s none of that in the last 30 years with Taiwan. Unlike Ukraine in 2015; Taiwan has very strong mutual defense treaties with Japan and the US, strong trading partners in the EU. There’s a German Naval Vessel standing by to join the fight

      The position the US holds about Taiwan and making it rain “hellfire from drones” tells you all you need to know. They just last month let Ukraine use HIMARS in Russia, and Ukraine took Kursk.

      Chinese troop numbers are down, their equipment isn’t doing well in Ukraine and their pilots are using solid fuel from missiles to cook hot noodle on cold days.

      Now if this article was about the Chinese “third navy” I’d understand the rhetoric but it isn’t.

      • @Aurenkin
        523 days ago

        You expect people just believe that shit? Damn. Impressively wrong on both sides of the analogy.

          • @BakedGoods
            223 days ago

            In reality (which you tankie dumbfucks seem to live very far away from) Taiwan is a country and not part of China. It really doesn’t matter what lip-service other nations have given China in the past in order to access their vast slave labour force. Once that ends, China will be back to doing what they do best, starving and mass murder of their own citizens.

              • @Aurenkin
                123 days ago

                You’re just anti-china with no logic behind it because you’re told to be anti-china.

                And there it is.

                I was here, in this country when the CCP fired rockets over the heads of me and my family because the country I live in had a fucking visitor they didn’t like.

                So fuck right off with your condescending bullshit telling people what they think and why they think the way they do. You have no idea.

                  • @Aurenkin
                    23 days ago

                    It was reported internationally and I had family from overseas asking about what was going on. I’m talking about the ballistic missile strikes in the oceans surrounding around Taiwan when we had a visitor from the US come over.

                    You are dishonest and morally fucking reprehensible that you would play coy and talk shit about something like this when it’s proven that your assertion about what other people believe is just plain arrogant and wrong.

                    I hope you grow out of this contrarian phase and feel an appropriate amount of shame that you’re willing to forgo having any principles for the sake of playing contrarian online.

                    I’m sorry to say that for me is not an option as I’m here, living in Taiwan in the real world.

                    Grow up.

        • @[email protected]
          23 days ago


          Not a single government (not even Taiwan’s government) has ever said that Taiwan is not part of China.

          I understand why you’d think otherwise if you get your understanding of the situation from online discourse. But here’s the thing: Most online discussion is coming from people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

          • Flying Squid
            023 days ago

            And not a single government, not even Peru’s government, has ever said that Peru is not part of Swaziland.

            Strangely, that’s not the same thing as all nations agreeing that Peru is part of Swaziland.

            • @[email protected]
              23 days ago

              From 1945 to 1971, China was represented at the United Nations by the government in Taipei, with almost universal recognition. It would be very odd for any country to say that Taipei (and hence Taiwan) was not part of China at that time.

              And if Taiwan was part of China from 1945 to 1971, surely it must be part of China now, because there have been no significant political changes in China since then.

              Both the government in Beijing and the government in Taipei recognize Taiwan as being part of China. Each government claims to be the rightful government of all of China, including Taiwan. (However, the government in Taipei only has effective control over Taiwan and a few islands, while the government in Beijing has control of the mainland.)

              Since 1979, the USA has had a policy of “strategic ambiguity” where they do not say that Taiwan is part of China, but they clearly recognized Taiwan as part of China up until then, and they have not made any statements changing that position.

              • Flying Squid
                -123 days ago

                if it’s ambiguous, how can they recognize it as part of China at the same time? That’s the opposite of ambiguous.

                • @[email protected]
                  23 days ago

                  Yeah, it’s not actually very ambiguous. It’s more confusing than ambiguous.

                  If you ask if the government in Taipei is the legitimate government of China, the USA will say no.

                  If you ask if Taiwan is an independent country, the USA will say no.

                  But if you ask if Taiwan is part of China, the USA will avoid answering, even though that’s the only option left.

      • OfCourseNot
        123 days ago

        Wouldn’t the separatists be mainland china? Honest question. Like there’s continuity from the former china government to Taiwan’s, the people’s republic is the newest entity.

          • OfCourseNot
            123 days ago

            I’m not talking about who’s ‘rightful ruler’ or not. The roc was a country and the communist revolution took a part of the territory and made it into the prc (a new country) while the roc still exist in the remaining territory. That’s the definition of a secession. I was just pointing out one of the holes in your analogy.

            Now that you took the time to write that I have a couple of questions. Was the white terror an ethnic cleansing? I might be under informed on the matter but I don’t know anything about any ethnic groups targeted in particular. Your last paragraphs imply that the sovereignty and territorial questions about Taiwan and the People’s Republic aren’t a settled matter for the whole world (except maybe the prc). Are there many voices claiming for the Taiwan government to be the ruler of mainland China anymore? Or any territorial ambitions other than staying an independent island nation?

            • @[email protected]
              23 days ago

              Chiang Kai-shek’s claim to a legitimate ROC government are tenuous at best. He basically used his position to launch a right wing coup against the unity government and attempted to purge it of all left wing elements. Claiming legitimacy when you’ve basically used force to try and take full control over a government is par for the course for fascism. That’s why I don’t believe the CPC demonizes the ROC prior to Chiang Kai-shek. They still holds Sun Yat-sen, a key founder of the ROC, in high regard.

              Also, IIRC most of the dissidents in Taiwan were mostly people who lived there or who were indigenous to the Island prior to the KMTs arrival. As such, the white terror did involve suppression of a Taiwanese ethnic identity.