• @[email protected]
    2523 days ago

    He didn’t even have balls to show up for repube primary debates. What makes you think he will show up for upcoming debate against Kamala?

    • @OneWomanCreamTeam
      1323 days ago

      I think he’s afraid that backing out now would make him look weak (it would). But his ego is too big for him to accept that she’s going to wipe the floor with him.

        • @OneWomanCreamTeam
          223 days ago

          Oh for sure. But his entire political strategy (if you can even call it a strategy anymore) is to appear strong.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            123 days ago

            He fails so miserably at that too. I seriously cannot understand how any person could watch his actions, or listen to him talk, and think he’s a strong man. He’s weak AF, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

            • @OneWomanCreamTeam
              222 days ago

              Yeah I don’t get it. He never really impressed me much. It baffles me how many people he seems to work on though.

    • @phdepressed
      923 days ago

      Avoiding the primary debates and the media rewarded him with “interviews” during the same timeslot that were advertised much more. The continued media forefronting of the shitstain is probably the prime reason he still polls as well as he does. They always edit until his word salad at least sounds like real sentences. From there rage and/or bigotry drive the rest.