The current death toll in Gaza is close to 42,000, but experts believe that figure is likely a gross undercount.

  • @ArbitraryValue
    -202 days ago

    Many people seem to think so but the evidence doesn’t support their argument. A 2:1 ratio of civilians to combatants killed isn’t particularly low but it is far closer to the best that Western armies have been able to accomplish than it is to the ratio seen from armies that are not trying to reduce civilian casualties. For example, Russia’s ratio in Mariupol is approximately 8:1 and that was against Ukrainian soldiers in uniform who weren’t deliberately hiding among civilians. Urban warfare always involves heavy civilian casualties.

      • @ArbitraryValue
        1 day ago

        If we assume that (1) the civilian population is 50% children and (2) none of the combatants are children then:

        (fraction of the dead that is children) = (fraction of the dead that is civilians) * (fraction of the civilians that is children)

        (1/3) = (fraction of the dead that is civilians) * (1/2)

        (fraction of the dead that is civilians) = (1/3) ÷ (1/2) = (2/3)

        This is where my 2:1 civilians to combatants number comes from.

        The fact that among the dead, the ratio of civilians to combatants equals the ratio of adults to children is a coincidence.

        • acargitz
          1 day ago

          The amount “civilians” in your calculations is tricky. The first time it appears it refers to dead civilians, the second time it appears to the overall civilian population (hence the 1/2 using the rule of thumb that half of Gazans are under 18).

          I.e you can’t say

          #deadKids/#allDead = #deadCivilians/#allDead * #deadKids/#allCivilians

          Because #deadCivilians << #allCivilians

          • @ArbitraryValue
            -21 day ago

            That’s not what I’m saying - I don’t have a term that represents “#deadKids/#allCivilians”.

            If I were to use your notation, I would write:

            #deadKids/#allDead = #deadCivilians/#allDead * #allKids/#allCivilians

            I recognize that it’s macabre to treat this as a word problem, but the math works out if you do. If out of 100 dead people, 33 are combatants and 67 are civilians (the 2:1 civilian to combatant ratio I have calculated) and half of the dead civilians are children, then there are 33 dead children, which is the “one third” in the headline.

            • acargitz
              21 day ago

              I thought originally that you were suggesting a simple syntactic manipulation of the fraction but you’re not. I don’t understand why the equation you propose is reasonable.

              • @ArbitraryValue
                -11 day ago

                Let me try to explain it another way.

                We know that 1/3 of the dead are children, according to the headline. We also know that children make up about half the population of Gaza. We assume that none of the combatants are children.

                If a person is killed, that person is either an adult combatant, an adult civilian, or a child civilian. Since child civilians make up 1/3 of the dead and there are as many adult civilians as child civilians in Gaza, adult civilians therefore make up another 1/3 of the dead. That adds up to 2/3 of the dead being civilians. 2/3 civilian dead and 1/3 combatant dead is a 2:1 ratio of civilians to combatants killed.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 day ago

                  That fails to take into account any effort by the idf to minimize child casualties, which is absolutely happening. It assumes an equal amount of adult and children civilian deaths when there is no marker whatsoever that shows that to be the case, other than the overall ratio of children to adults in Gaza. You have made a huge leap in your logic.

                  • @ArbitraryValue
                    -11 day ago

                    That’s true; I am assuming that the age distribution of dead civilians matches the overall age distribution of civilians. Maybe efforts to minimize child casualties skew the actual distribution one way, or maybe children’s greater frailty skews it the other way. I don’t know but I think that my assumption is reasonable as a rough estimate.

    • @[email protected]
      132 days ago

      This is assuming that the 2:1 ratio has come from anywhere other than original commenter’s asshole

    • @[email protected]
      72 days ago

      Torture, rape and civilians kill was always part of war of aggresion, so i don’t care about those stats. Not to mention all the genocidal statement of people in power in israel