Worked great when the artist formerly known as Prince changed his name to a symbol.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Except they do, and they do it all the time.

    • Comcast / Spectrum
    • Century Link / Lumen

    Just two glaring examples. There’s tons more out there.

    • Sabre363
      111 months ago

      They only get away with it because it’s easier to let them. But if we collectively refuse to acknowledge it then the rebranding tactic will no longer be valid.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        Oh I agree. It gets more difficult over time though, as more people begin to only know the entity by the new name. I’m not a Twitter user so I really don’t care about the new “X” name, but I still know and will forever know that Spectrum is Comcast and Lumen is Century Link, because I care deeply about the bullshit they are about. And will I continue to remember Twitter for what it is no matter the name they decide to go by. I was mainly pointing out that they do in fact have the right in the law to rebrand, to put a thin veil over their previous mishaps.