• agamemnonymous
    3 months ago

    How so? Jesus has a number of very specific teachings, foremost among them being to love your neighbor as yourself. Calling people out for calling themselves Christians while obviously ignoring the central tenet of his message is no different than calling out someone who calls themself a vegan while obviously eating a bucket of KFC.

    The No True Scotsman fallacy is when you declare a label (Scotsman) to be conditional on some unrelated factor (putting sugar in porridge) instead of the actual condition (being from Scotland).

    Following the tenets of Jesus is the definitive condition of being a “Christian”. Going to a church every week and singing the songs doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to the farmer’s market and chanting in protests makes you a vegan. It doesn’t matter what you call yourself if you don’t do the thing you’re singing about.