I was recently rewatching the IT Crowd, which is one of my favourite shows and after finishing Season 2 Episode 1, “The Work Outing” for the hundredth of time I realized this is probably my favourite sitcom episode of all time. I just can’t get bored of the jokes and the delivery. The writing is gold, and the story escalates from funny to absolutely insane hilarious. Makes me laugh every time. Half the dialogue I quote to this day.

There are many good episodes I love, and could put here as close seconds: probably most of the Futurama series, a dozen of episodes of The Office or some classics from the Friends, I could think of.

So I would like to hear what episodes of any TV show is your favourites and why? Doesn’t needs to be necessarily comedy, anything from television is fair game.

Think of it as a “what single item would you bring to a desert island with you” question, just with an episode of a TV show :)

  • xmunk
    3 months ago

    Fuck that’s a tough one. Futurama also leaps to mind immediately… but I think it’d probably be a Firefly episode simply due to the density of awesome. Of those it’d probably be Train Job though Shindig is a strong contender.

      • xmunk
        3 months ago

        I thought of that one but, at least to my memory, the strong focus on Mal in that episode sort of minimized the fun space cowboy aspects.

        Honestly I think any episode outside of Bushwhacked/War Stories/Out of Space is fair.

        In my original comment I’d mentioned Jaynestown as a runner runner up and Serenity also probably deserves an honorable mention.

        The show, IMO was weakest when it tried to build an overarching plot probably because we never got payoffs for it - so the anthology episodes aged the best. Honestly, I may also love it because it was like bonus Cowboy Bebop - but none of those episodes feel as jam packed with awesome.

        God, my comment has probably pissed off everyone on the internet.