(Go stick your head in a pig!)

Come to think of it, “share and enjoy” is exactly the way I would expect an AI-generated YouTube video to end.

  • Sabre363
    2 months ago

    Your argument is that I shouldn’t use AI because it might negatively impact my career? That’s not much of an argument considering that is a personal choice with personal consequences and I’ve been refuting that claim this entire time, it’s literally why we are here. Everything you have said since has effectively boiled down to “AI is bad because people get hurt”. Which is completely valid and I have agreed with this point at every single step here. Our conflict arises from having differing opinions about how to deal with the impact of AI as well as the balance between good/ bad that all things, including AI, exist within.

    So, again I ask, what exactly is your argument? What is the ‘truth’ you are trying to convince me of? I believe I have made my ‘truth’ pretty clear in multiple different comments. Now I want to know yours, perhaps we have more common ground than you think and we don’t need to conflict.

    Also, I did in fact comment on the environmental impact of AI. I told you I was choosing to ignore that point because I find the way that you brought it into the conversation to be childish and unproductive. It also has nothing to do with the correlation between the use of AI, careers, and the integration process of AI. Environmental impact is an engineering and sustainability problem, not a moral or ethical one. Different problem, different discussion.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      2 months ago

      Did you even read what I wrote?

      I said it at the very beginning- maybe you should be wary of it.

      Do you need help understanding what “be wary” means?

      I was choosing to ignore that point

      I see, so you don’t want to know what my argument is and why I am making it. Thanks for clearing that up, I guess there’s nothing more to discuss, but you could have saved us a whole lot of time and told me that a while ago.

      • Sabre363
        2 months ago

        When have I indicated that I am not wary of AI? I’m just not scared of it the way you clearly are. Wary should mean be cautious and learn, not shove your head up your ass and hope it the problem goes away (This is literally my only point, stop reading more into it). I recognize that there are good and bad parts of AI. I also understand that AI is utterly inevitable and avoiding it only means the ‘bad’ stuff gets to win and we don’t get to enjoy any of the ‘good’ stuff. The only way we get to have any of the “good” stuff is if we learn how to use it first.

        I very much DO want to know what your argument is (If not, then why the actual fuck do you think I’m still here?), but you have yet to say anything meaningful to that end. Sure, you say lets be wary of AI (never disagreed here), but it seems to me that you only want to run away or destroy it, and you never really try to back up why that is a valid way forward. If you can link the environmental impact of AI to that argument, then I am genuinely happy to listen. You have something meaningful to say, I know you do, I’m just waiting for you to be clear about what exactly it is.

        • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
          2 months ago

          Well if you know what I clearly am then, again, it’s clear you aren’t actually interested in my argument.

          Sorry, I don’t believe your claim that you will be genuinely happy to listen to what I have to say when you declare you know what I think.

          • Sabre363
            2 months ago

            I think you have no real argument which is why you are now only attacking my character. If you have a point, I would like to see you reiterate it into as clear of words as possible, exactly what you have been trying to convey. No arguments, no pissing match, no ego, just say what your trying to fucking say. Once we have both done that, then maybe we can have a productive discussion wherein we can both learn something and possibly understand the world a little better.

            I’m sorry you feel that I don’t want to hear you. All I can say is that I do actually, genuinely want have an open friendly discussion and learn about your perspective here. I have not declared anything with certainty about you that can not be gleaned from this discussion. (Perhaps I have misinterpreted some of your words, but the same can be said of you, so lets restart on that front) You are clearly are at least somewhat scared of something, from where I’m sitting it appears that you are scared of AI. But you fight me when I suggest as much, so now I want to know why your scared or what your real concern is. Again, I’m sorry if this sentiment has felt false, I really do want to have a discussion, not a fight.

            • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
              2 months ago

              I’m sorry you feel that I don’t want to hear you.

              I wonder why that is?

              You are clearly are at least somewhat scared of something

              Oh yeah.

              I really do want to have a discussion, not a fight.

              For some reason I still don’t believe you.

              • Sabre363
                2 months ago

                I wonder why that is?

                Um, kinda yeah actually?

                For some reason I still don’t believe you.

                Then you are a lost cause, my friend. I have tried my best to be open, it’s disappointing that you are not and have proven yourself unwilling to learn. I hope you find some way to adapt before AI is a part of functionally everything and only those that figured out how to safely use it have any chance at a job.

                • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
                  2 months ago

                  If you actually wanted to have a discussion with me, you would have asked if I was “clearly” “somewhat scared” of “something” rather than just declare that I am. You also would not have dismissed one of my points because it was “childishly brought up” or whatever you said as if it wasn’t part of my argument.

                  You don’t want to know what I think because you’ve decided you already know.

                  Also, I am not friends with people who tell me what I think. My friends ask me what I think. People I highly dislike are the ones who think they know me, especially strangers on the internet who think they know me. So we are not friends and I don’t care to be called that by you.

                  • Sabre363
                    2 months ago

                    Dude, you are the only one creating the narrative that I don’t want to know what you have to say. I have directly said otherwise repeatedly, I’m like a broken fucking record with you. You are the one that refuses to listen here, not me. I say that you are clearly scared because that is the only logical conclusion I could draw about you from this interaction at that time. I then pretty much immediately followed that statement up by saying it only seems that this is true. I have never definitively determined anything about you (though now I might call you a fucking idiot, but that isn’t very productive, so lets move on), and the only time I kinda did, I literally handed you an opening to refute me on silver fucking platter. You chose to ignore me until it suited you.

                    As for why I have ignored the environmental impact point, I have told you twice now but it seems you only read the parts that make you feel high and mighty. So I’ll waste time saying it again, you brought up a point that was, from my perspective, completely tangential to the original argument. You then proceeded to assume what my position on the matter was like it would somehow hand you the win to a fight only you thought we had. I found this to be immature and counterproductive (And also exactly what your currently trying to accuse me of, might wanna check yo self on this one, buddy. Street goes both ways.), and I said as much, while in the exact same sentence, offering you a chance to link the point to your argument in a meaningful way. Again, you chose to ignore me until it suited you, not the other way around.

                    I don’t know anything about you, I have never pretended to know you, and never I will never pretend to know you. All I’m trying to do is ask, if you want me to know something, you need only answer me. This is on you if you won’t read my words for what they are and want to perpetuate this dumb idea that I don’t want to talk to you. All I want to do is have an interesting conversation, but so far you are too thick-headed to participate. Have a good day, friend, and I hope you learn to grow as a person someday.