My least favourite day has to be Wednesday because it’s still in the middle of the week, you get two more days to battle through and it just feels like it won’t ever end.

Monday I can deal with because you know it’s only the start, Tuesday it’s meh for me.

Thursday I’m okay cos I’m gearing up for Friday and the weekend.

What about you?

  • Like the wind...
    2 个月前

    Weekends. Public transit is wonky and everywhere is crowded by the Monday-Friday normies. I’m also much more likely to be screamed at, near missed, or swerved into by happy drivers who love driving so much they rush to stop driving as soon as they can. So I make sure I work weekends so my free days off are weekdays where all the asshole drivers and weed addicted teenagers are inside. And I get an extra $40 a week to avoid being trapped in a train with someone who definitely isn’t addicted to marijuana who couldn’t wait until they were outside to smoke. Thanks Amazon!

    Nobody is shopping on a Tuesday afternoon.