Please. All of this is mostly US politics. Please do not hijack “world news” to mean whatever new shit Desantis or someone else said this week. Every other magazine/community/whatever is already full of that shit. Please.

Please. Please. Please.

US politics already swamp out most of the content on the entire fediverse. It may seem like the world to you but there’s almost 200 countries on this planet that are not the US.


Thank you.

  • SolidGrue
    11 months ago

    Hey, not for nothing but the US is sick and teetering on the precipice of Facism. If the US goes over the edge, then Fascism will be its main export as “Freedom” is today. That has worldwide implications.

    Right now our domestic politics are everyone’s problem.

    That is NOT to say there aren’t other problems worthy of airtime here. Its been hot recently, have you noticed? Nobody seems to be serious about doing anything substantive about that. Let’s talk about it.

    There is a devastating war on in Ukraine threatening not only global stability, but also the world’s supply of staple grains, rare earths, helium oil and natural gas. With a cloid of nuclear chaos draped over it. Talk about it.

    Israel is running roughshod over the Palestinian state. (Irony, no?) Talk about it.

    China is flxing its financial and geoplitical muscle in the AIPAC region. Ths is the next world war setting up. Talk about it.

    Africa has several bloody wars going on with both Western and Eastern powers shoveling chaos into that mess. A continent of rich nations being fleeced by the East and West. Just like always. Guess what you can do?

    Central and South America are dealing with their own power struggles between Hard Right and Hard Left factions, again with undue outside influences from Eastern and Western powers. And, we cant seem to stop destroying rain forests.

    Everyone is dealing with serious challenges both foreign and domestic. Post about it.

    If you’re twisted about the problems in the US dominating the Hot page, then post, comment and be the change you need to see, because if you’re just gonna sit on your ass right now and complain about it, then you get what you get.

    And also…? Sorry. I am NOT having a good day.

    Edits: typos and some grammar

      • Larry13
        311 months ago

        I think the fact that he used scare quotes himself implies that they don’t believe the US actually exports freedom either.

      • @[email protected]
        -311 months ago

        Incredible that everything he wrote could be prefaced with that ridiculous assertion lol. It’s like having a large gem topped with a turd.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Meh, Europe has been dealing with fascist and other extremist people in politics for 20 years on a larger scale, and in some circles and areas of the world it’s never gone away. It’s nothing new, we just know better how to deal with them and they come and go. Instead of thinking it’s some new American thing the rest of the world needs to learn about, you should learn how politics elsewhere works.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          I don’t doubt we’re all fucked, but I don’t see how that means that I need to read about every school shooting, every Trump’s fart or every nonsense Musk says 300 times on my timeline. That thing about police dogs dying yesterday, on world news, that was also quite a pearl.