This is gonna sound like a troll post but i assure you it is not.

I don’t have a coding background but I’ve used Teams in a lot of workplaces and really only encountered like 2 issues entirely.

Either I got seriously lucky or it was before enshittification.

Why do you yourself dislike it? Is it UI? Performance?

I should also say I use Teams for basic purposes like messaging and uploading files, I literally don’t touch anything else and performance hadn’t been an issue. (Likely because I’ve been given thicc-ass workstations in the past)

  • just some guy
    1 month ago

    From the IT side, I personally hate that 80% of the random teams issues our users have, clearing the apps cache is the only solution. An average user shouldn’t need to dig around in unfamiliar directories and clear out this cache to get teams working again. From my experience, most users won’t do this bc they’re afraid of causing more damage (imo a smart hesitation.)

    If the app can update itself can it not also refresh that cache more often? Can a button in settings not be given to users the flush cache and restart the app? (This can currently be done in Windows by going to Settings > Apps and resetting the app from the Installed Apps list, but there is no such option on Macs. It’s an OS agnostic issue, we should have an OS agnostic solution.) There’s got to be better ways to resolve these issues that all require the removal/refreshing of a folder’s contents. I can only imagine how much of a nightmare this is to resolve within companies that don’t have dedicated IT or tech savvy users to dig up these resolutions and fix the problem, especially given the often inadequate and outdated documentation Microsoft provides.