The Canadian government has insisted that information on domestic goods is readily available to all trading partners, even including nations that recently elected a felony-convicted game show host to be their head of state. Instead, the United States has decided to employ a rarely-chosen trade tactic that international economists refer to as the “fuck around and find out” model.

  • jaemo
    1 month ago

    No. See, you don’t personally get to write the narrative.

    Here’s how it is:

    You are in the “United” states until you tell us otherwise. You are the ones renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. You are the ones who, by majority vote, decided that this was to be our world and our future.

    Your people. Your culture. Your country. Your leader. Your choices.

    Fucking own it. And if you don’t like it, or this response, FUCKING STAND UP AND CHANGE IT. But don’t ask ME to give a wet slap about your feelings or the when it is your country is an imperial expansionist empire trying to kick over anthills. I don’t owe you that courtesy and I’m disinclined to politeness of late towards my Southern neighbors.

    Do you, when you reflect on history, make such subtle distinctions? For example did Germany start world war 1 and 2 or should we defer to the feelings of the objectors to those conflicts when ascribing cause?


      1 month ago

      Point of order, Germany definitely didn’t start WW1 in the way they teach kids. It was the elites, their honor pacts, and a complete misunderstanding of what technology had done to war. And in fact Austria-Hungary was the first to declare war, (on Serbia), which triggered Russia and France to mobilize next. That left Germany with the option of watching Austria-Hungary lose a war and have Germany lose in the great power game or roll the dice. They rolled the dice, like every other Royal Family at the time.

      I think understanding how the international web of elites can affect us is key to avoiding world war 3. World War 2 is entirely on the Germans though, as is Trump’s second term on all Americans. We do need to stand up.

      1 month ago

      Cool. So you have no problem blaming those that tried to stop this from happening by voting for the one person that stood a chance against trump?

      Yeah… there goes any sympathy I had for you.


      So I guess when all those trump supporting truckers fucked shit up in their little in their little convoys a few years back, that was you? You did that shit? Why? Why would you put so many people at risk over a president that didn’t even preside over your own country?

      If it sounds ridiculous to be having someone accuse you of shit you didn’t do, and then blame you for the damages, congratulations. You’re self-aware enough to know how ignorant you sound blaming trump on people who voted for Harris.

      Blocking you now as I don’t have conversations with people that can’t disagree without name calling, and blame victims for their problems.

        1 month ago

        If it sounds ridiculous to be having someone accuse you of shit you didn’t do

        You literally do this all the time. A vote for third parties? Not a vote for Trump, you still blame them for the election of Trump. A non-vote? Not a vote for Trump. Same goes for people who didn’t like Kamala and were openly critical of her, but still voted for her.

        You’re being a child. Either you think Trump’s election is the result of the entire electorate or you don’t. There’s no “except for people who voted for Democrats and were properly enthusiastic about it” get out of jail free card.

        Either we’re all to blame or only the people who actually voted for him are to blame. You can’t have it both ways.

        1 month ago

        As for your sympathy, you should probably keep it to yourself anyway. Nobody wants it. You would only use it to manipulate people anyway.