• jwiggler
    11 months ago

    Sure, there’s always a choice. But also, not really, when you are blasted with propaganda. I’m sure some of these people think they’ve chosen rightly, and that they’re liberating Ukraine from neo-nazis (or whatever the line is over there).

    Easy for you to say “well, they can just CHOOSE their way out of it.” Well, I don’t really think it’s that simple. Even if the people in Russia have distrust for their own state, which they should, I’d bet they have a healthy distrust in western media, as well. After all, we’re pretty antagonistic toward Russia. I could see how their state media could spin and skew our actions and words as even more antagonistic than they already are. I mean, hell, they think the west helped engineer the revolution in Ukraine in 2014 (certainly the US ambassador and assistant secretary of state did), so why would they listen to us at all?

    Just to back myself up, here’s an article of a leaked call where the US diplomats discuss which individuals they want to end up in power positions during the 2014 protests


    • CECI
      111 months ago

      @jwiggler @exapsy

      As pessoas minimamente inteligentes quando tem duvidas procuram meios para se esclarecerem. Eles como não lhes está a acontecer nada nem querem saber. Ocidente não está só a dar armas à Ucrânia está a impedi la de se defender atacando a Russia e por isso a promover um massacre

      • jwiggler
        111 months ago

        I’m not sure what you mean by the West preventing Ukraine from protecting itself by attacking Russia, but that might be because of translation.

        I think I agree overall with your assessment – US does not want this war to end. It’s too profitable both politically (“democrats are tough on Russia!”) and fiscally

        • CECI
          111 months ago


          Não tem sentido ocidente estar a promover um massacre. Ucrânia tem direito a ripostar para se defender e descorajar os ataques russos. A Ucrânia esta a ser atacada de território russo não é de outro qualquer. Ocidente tem líderes malucos