It started its life as a tool to track the contents of promotional SKU’s, but different stakeholders kept adding increasingly complicated logic until it all depended on huge array formulas and VBA, and a recalculation took 1, then 2, then 5, then 15, then 30 minutes on a laptop, at which point we abandoned the whole thing and everyone went back to keeping track of their own piece manually.
It started its life as a tool to track the contents of promotional SKU’s, but different stakeholders kept adding increasingly complicated logic until it all depended on huge array formulas and VBA, and a recalculation took 1, then 2, then 5, then 15, then 30 minutes on a laptop, at which point we abandoned the whole thing and everyone went back to keeping track of their own piece manually.
Everyone has some great ideas, and everyone needs to put their ideas in the same spot. And everyone needs those complex formulas right in there…lol