I’ll have Quintus Pompeius Senecio Roscius Murena Coelius Sextus lulius Frontinus Silius Decianus Gaius lulius Eurycles Herculaneus Lucius Vibullius Pius Augustanus Alpinus Bellicius Sollers lulius Aper Ducenius Proculus Rutilianus Rufinus Silius Valens Valerius Niger Claudius Fuscus Saxa Amyntianus Sosius Priscus roll me out a few batches then. (The other one, not the Quinty as we affectionately like to call him.)
Being Germanic, I have a good feeling about this
Dunno why. The Roman Empire will be going strong for at least another 1000 years, thanks to the invention of lead water pipes.
Yeah … what a bunch of dummies … they should have made them out of plastic … actually make everything out of plastic
Have you gone mad? Do you know what VOCs can do to you?
Lead is often a good barrier against VOCs
I’ll have Quintus Pompeius Senecio Roscius Murena Coelius Sextus lulius Frontinus Silius Decianus Gaius lulius Eurycles Herculaneus Lucius Vibullius Pius Augustanus Alpinus Bellicius Sollers lulius Aper Ducenius Proculus Rutilianus Rufinus Silius Valens Valerius Niger Claudius Fuscus Saxa Amyntianus Sosius Priscus roll me out a few batches then. (The other one, not the Quinty as we affectionately like to call him.)