Incredible to think about that we got it right the first time (with email) and still had to spend the last 20 years complaining about centralized social networks.
Incredible to think about that we got it right the first time (with email) and still had to spend the last 20 years complaining about centralized social networks.
I really do want to point out, Gmail is gonna get a massive lead as time goes on.
Doing parental consent forms for my schools library, most of the parents email were yahoo, Hotmail, etc. but EVERY SINGLE student email was Gmail, with the exception of like 10 out of (at least) 300 pages
(edit: to clarify, 300 pages is 300 emails)
There really is no competitor to Google Drive’s online collaborative document and slideshow editing right now. Apple and Microsoft have made some weak attempts but until their software works fully in a browser and is 100% free to get started, it won’t catch on. It not just about email.
mega is good, in my experience.
I meant the productivity suite not just file sharing. I edited my comment to try to make it clearer.
Been on Gmail since it was invite only. It really is best in class. Hate on Google all ya like, but they got a lock on email early in the game.
And for those that think getting away from it is a matter of choosing another email provider, I’ll say that Gmail does loads more than deliver email. Authentication is a huge and obvious use. Reading comments around here leads me to believe that many don’t understand Google for Business and how integrated an org can be with those services.
Another note, just because the domain isn’t doesn’t mean it isn’t served by Google. For most companies it would be insane to host their own services and cheaper to let Google handle it all.
The raw SMTP landscape on the internet is such a shitshow. Setting up a SMTP server requires so many goddamn condoms that you might as well just give up and start using some other professional email service. Or you set it up just to forward email to a GMail account, and even then, Gmail bitches about how much spam you’re forwarding it and blocks you for a time.
That’s because these students were brain washed on that garbage.
I wonder how much of that has to do wtih chromebooks.
Android seems far more likely cause.