A joint U.S.-Mexico topographical survey found that 787 feet of the 995-feet-long buoy line set up by Texas are in Mexico.

  • Tb0n3
    -11510 months ago

    And some of them would gladly take your life if it meant they got it to be part of the cool kids club. (Gang initiations)

    • @Shiggles
      5810 months ago

      We have plenty of those domestically already. People are people, and y’all qaeda down there isn’t exactly the shining example of civilization you think it is.

    • Unaware7013
      4710 months ago

      And some of them would gladly take your life if it meant they got it to be part of the cool kids club. (Gang initiations)

      I honestly don’t know if you’re referring to illegal immigrants or the police in America.

      I’m more worried about the police killing me than an illegal immigrant, but that’s because I live in the real world.

      • Tb0n3
        -4010 months ago

        Where is MS13 from?

          • Tb0n3
            -2210 months ago

            It was a gang of immigrants who were less Americans and more El Salvadorans it seems since they brought it home.

        • Unaware7013
          1710 months ago

          Mexico, but where is the blue badge gang from?

          One of them is a real threat to average Americans, and hint: it isn’t ms13.

          • Tb0n3
            -2010 months ago

            Lol no, El Salvador. It seems these days “migrants” are just passing through Mexico to get to the US. Why don’t they just stay in Mexico since they’re already there, speak the language, and share many values?

            I’m not fan of the police, but the videos and stories you see are not all police. There’s certainly a systemic problem with police but that doesn’t mean they’re more dangerous than violent criminal gangs.

            • @[email protected]
              510 months ago

              So it’s “not all police” but any illegal immigrant is automatically ms13? Hypocrite much?

              • Tb0n3
                -410 months ago

                I used it as a visible example. Never said they were all ms13.

    • Polar
      1610 months ago

      Big words coming from a guy who lives in a country where your own citizens are gunning down others every day multiple times per day.

      Maybe try to fix your own country first instead of blaming others?

      • Tb0n3
        -1910 months ago

        Yeah, gang crime. The vast vast majority of gun deaths in America, aside from suicides are known criminals who shouldn’t own guns in the first place.

          • Tb0n3
            -1210 months ago

            You seem to have missed the point. The gun laws already prohibit them from owning guns but they do it anyway and commit crimes. No additional gun laws will suddenly make criminals obey the law.

            • Teppic
              1110 months ago

              But somehow gun laws work in every other civilised country… Odd.
              Well if you are sure it’s not the gun laws then instead fix the other laws which are putting people in poverty and creating the gangs.

              • Tb0n3
                10 months ago

                So your solution to people breaking the law is to create more laws that they won’t obey? The United States is fairly unique with their bill of rights. Codifying the right to bear arms, which in the view of the founders would allow the citizens to rise up against the government. This is well documented in their own writings. We currently have far too many restrictions on what citizens are allowed to own.

                Oh sorry, my bad. It actually sounds like you want to legalize crime.

                • Shalakushka
                  210 months ago

                  By this incredibly dumb logic, nothing should be illegal because criminals don’t follow laws. How asinine can you get?

                  • Tb0n3
                    -110 months ago

                    More like making free speech illegal because somebody threatened somebody else.

    • Cethin
      1110 months ago

      Immigrants are, on average, less violent and more productive than the average American. I say we toss you out and trade up.

      • Tb0n3
        -410 months ago

        Source on that? And make sure it’s Illegal immigrants not all immigrants.

        • Cethin
          10 months ago

          Sure. Here’s a few: https://news.wisc.edu/undocumented-immigrants-far-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-in-u-s-than-citizens/

          https://www.cato.org/blog/immigration-crime-what-research-says (The Cato institute is a libertarian institute. Libertarian should mean socially liberal, including more friendly with immigrants and more towards open borders, but they’re usually conservative.)

          I’m not going to spend all day finding you more. It’s easy to research. I doubt it matters how many sources I provide, but you can find whichever ones you like. There’s plenty of data on it.

          • Tb0n3
            -710 months ago

            If you really think about it the crime rate of ILLEGAL aliens is 100%. Crossing the border illegally is a crime they have all committed.

            • Cethin
              10 months ago

              Like I said, I doubt it matters what evidence I provide. You’ll find a way to justify your beliefs instead of adjusting them as you get new evidence. It’s the typical human response. We like to act like humans are rational, but the vast majority of people the majority of the time are driven by emotion. We’d rather ignore evidence if it forces us to reconsider our views.

              Beliefs do not make a person. It will not hurt to change them. You’ll still be yourself. It doesn’t mean anything bad that you changed your beliefs, really it only means something good. It means they you can consider new information and adjust to it, instead of ignoring it which would be bad.

            • Shalakushka
              110 months ago

              Have you ever jaywalked? Should you have been put to death for it?

              • Tb0n3
                010 months ago

                Jaywalking has a fine. Illegal immigration has deportation.

                • Shalakushka
                  110 months ago

                  Right, it would be bad if they put fuckin buzzsaws in the non crosswalk parts of roads to deter jaywalking. It would be monstrous. You however, see that and go, “those jaywalkers get what they DESERVE” because there is something broken in you that you’ve filled up with contrarianism and petulant nationalism.

                  • Tb0n3
                    010 months ago

                    They are not saws. It’s the same as barbed wire on a fence. It’s there to make it more difficult to climb through the thin patr between bouys.