I don’t like to see so many political posts in all and so many weird images in comment sections

  • @agamemnonymous
    10 months ago

    I think they’re bots because I nearly exactly agree with them politically. They’re almost exactly my beliefs, but with the most annoying, self-righteous, groupthink presentation possible. That’s why I think they’re a false flag smear campaign to discredit actual leftists.

      • @agamemnonymous
        810 months ago

        Hey look, another hexbear making baseless and incorrect assumptions about my political inclinations, even further proving my point! Keep your corporate shill false flag disinfo to yourself, please and thank you.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      -1310 months ago

      Consider the self-flattery of assuming a community that existed in isolation for three years just to eventually make you look bad when they became federated again.

      Maybe there is a real disagreement instead?

      • @agamemnonymous
        1210 months ago

        Then how come the interactions have been predominantly self-righteous name-calling? My issue isn’t with the political ideals, it’s with the presumptuous antagonism.

      • @agamemnonymous
        2110 months ago

        See? This is exactly what I’m talking about. “Anyone who doesn’t believe exactly the same as me for exactly the same reasons with exactly the same presentation as me is a transphobic boot-licking liberal!”

        You’ve had no political discourse with me by which to evaluate my political beliefs, but disagreeing with hexbear specifically is enough for you to assume I’m not a “real” communist. You see how this just proves my point, right?

        I thought thinking people who disagree with you politically weren’t real communists wasn’t a healthy mindset to have?