I don’t like to see so many political posts in all and so many weird images in comment sections

  • falkerie71
    1 年前

    You did not just ignore the blatant chauvinism and idolization of the leader in my post and think it’s “standard national mythology stuff that gets taught everywhere”, let alone envy them.

    You have your own problems in your country, doesn’t mean that the rest of the world runs the same way, and China isn’t immune to white-washing or downplaying history events either.
    For example, “文化大革命 the Cultural Revolution” is something that they downplay significantly (Edit: I have educated myself, and depending on your elective courses in China, you could get textbooks that talk very extensively about the event, and you could get ones that touch lightly on it) in their history textbooks. “六四事件 Tiananmen Square protest” does not appear in history textbooks. And then you can find discrepancies between how the PRC and ROC teaches their history during the war to gain power in China.
    You can read a pretty good write up, albeit in Chinese, here

    Edit: And don’t get me started on their blind hatred towards Western countries and the Japanese which they even taught to schoolkids. Take the most recent news for example. When Japan decided to dump diluted nuclear waste water into the ocean, their people were livid, and the government does no help to educate their people about how it was diluted and tested by the IAEA, in which they have their own scholars attending too. Tons of fish gone to waste because people were boycotting Japanese cuisine, people panic buying salt in fear of radioactive contamination, video clips of people crying about it and swearing to kill all Japanese or bomb them with nuclear bombs, and teachers asking kids to write a letter to Japanese leaders to tell them what evil they have done. Video. All the while, China has been silencing people online who tried to explain the science, sent a journalist to Fukushima to test the numbers then take down videos of people who actually went and tested their own waters and found out that their numbers are higher than what their state media showed in Fukushima, and hidden their own official nuclear waste reports. Video