Hey all,

As discussed here, I am looking for 3 new moderators to help with this community.

Please review this post and vote for the candidate you would like to see help on this community.

In no particular order, the candidates are:

I invite you to review users post history when deciding on voting.

This thread will be open for 72 hours (until Friday June 23rd, 8PM ET) at which point voting will stop. Any votes after this time will not be counted. I will try to lock this thread after that time so people do not accidentally continue voting.

Everyone gets 1 vote, including the users being considered. The top 3 will be given mod powers of this community to help with organization of discussions and votes.

Please vote by calling the persons name. For example, if I you wanted to vote for TheDude you would reply with: TheDude

  • Seeker of Carcosa
    51 year ago

    Here he is actively flaming/trolling in Main Community and Agora. He even states he’s willingly losing sleep because he likes arguing so much. Just because the person you’re disagreeing with is being salty doesn’t mean you have a free ticket to stoop to that level. It’s not moderator-worthy conduct.





    • God
      31 year ago

      I checked. Maybe you can enlighten me because apart from being against the idea of willfully defederating instances & making note of OPs conflictive way of talking, I don’t see what you see. Maybe you’re conflating the fact that you disagree with his words with your idea of “flaming & trolling”.

      • Seeker of Carcosa
        01 year ago

        That’s a bad faith interpretation of my comment. Note that I did not link to every single instance of him being against defederation, as the issue isn’t him stating an opinion. The problem is the sarcastic and aggressive way in which he chooses to interact with other users; sarcastically calling for defederation from lemmy.world because he saw a racist meme, and stating that he’s up at 3am losing sleep because he loves arguing with idiots.

        If you are being flamed, you report. Stooping to their level makes you no better.

        • God
          1 year ago

          More than responding to your comment, I’m also reading his profile. You mention that the problems are sarcasm and aggressiveness. I don’t have anything at all against sarcasm. And the aggressiveness I see is against someone who was being very aggressive, and even then it was measured, in what seems to be an amused reaction to someone being unreasonably triggered.

          Anyway, I read until page 4 and I’m not going to spend more time on this. I won’t go too deep into this, but 20 minutes of research was enough to tell me I disagree with you. I spent like 3 minutes trying to write some way to “justify my position”, but I don’t really feel like doing that. Let’s call it a day, too much time spent on this for me at least.

          • Seeker of Carcosa
            21 year ago

            That’s fine. I stick by my philosophy that stooping to someone else’s level makes you no better. I’m not in this to change minds; this isn’t some /r/changemyview substitute. I’m offering examples which I find make him a bad choice for mod, and it’s up to individuals to assess whether those posted examples are acceptable conduct for a moderator.

            Have a good I agree it’s too much time; I’m also getting too many notifications while overleaf is open. Have a good one.

            • God
              1 year ago

              stooping to someone else’s level makes you no better

              tbh i read his msgs and i didn’t see him “stoop” to chalkman’s level, chalkman was insulting ppl and being unreasonably mad @ everyone who disagreed w him & DB seemed to simply be trying to counter chalkman’s points while also showing that chalkman was not being reasonable.

              in his profile DB seems to like free speech while he also shows that he understands that there are limits to free speech. I think the defed-EH thread was just him trying to stand his ground against what he saw was a breach.

            • @goat
              -21 year ago

              I haven’t stooped to the levels of some people calling me names, yet you still don’t like my speech. Doesn’t seem too fair, no?

    • @goat
      -21 year ago

      Your comments are missing a lot of context.

      I happened to interact with Chalkman (I believe they may have been banned from the community), and every single response of theirs was nothing but insults. If you want to defend a banned user whose content you can’t even see, I guess that’s your right.

      Do find it strange though how you hold me accountable for trolling as well when during my interactions, I haven’t stooped to the same level of insults. I’ve been called worse than shit on a boot, a troll by many, a fascist, etc, etc~

      What level of discussion are you even searching for? I know that your top pick, imaq, has even had negative experiences and even hostility towards certain users.