• Chariotwheel
    19 months ago

    I haven’t pre-ordered since Stellaris. I bought in the launch week when I was sure that the game of desire was actually playale and fun.

    Preorder FOMO shit can miss me, I have gacha games for that.

    • HidingCat
      29 months ago

      You and I don’t, but gods, every time a new game trailer drops, the Discord communities I’m in all go HYPE HYPE HYPE I’m preordering. Or you can just see it from the YouTube comments. Too many idiots giving their money before a product has been proven.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        I don’t worry about the complaints of people who pre-order anymore. I sit back and eat popcorn watching them rage about the quality of the launch title after paying full retail.

    • @fibojoly
      19 months ago

      I’ve Kickstarter, when I wanna give money to struggling artists who may or may not deliver on time (hi, Poots!) Big studios can kiss my ass. And I say this as a fan of CDPR! I almost preordered CP2077, because I felt bad not paying full price for The Witcher 3. But then I remembered it just fucking encourages them. I’d rather have paid for a print copy of the artbook, to give them extra money. Ah well.