Because everywhere I look, it’s just the same insane lies and mental gymnastics regurgitated straight from r/politics, with all the same refusal to even acknowledge the slightest of errors in anything they believe

  • @[email protected]
    69 months ago

    I haven’t said a single lie all day, nor have I trolled anything.

    I answered your question, then you decided to go on some unhinged rant telling me to kill myself because I disagree with you

    • @No1RivenFuckerOP
      -59 months ago

      You’ve told multiple lies throughout this thread you worthless rat. Go jump off a bridge

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Give specific examples

        Oh wait, you can’t

        Edit: The juvenile name calling makes this so much more entertaining

          • @[email protected]
            39 months ago

            There isn’t a single lie there. If you voted for trump (which I’m not saying you did) you’re explicitly supporting homophobia, transphobia, racism and sexism. There’s no other interpretation of voting for a party that actively promotes those ideas.

              • @[email protected]
                49 months ago

                The party supports those ideas, supporting the party is supporting those ideas. Not that hard of a concept, but I think it might be too much for you to handle

                • @No1RivenFuckerOP
                  -59 months ago

                  Once again, objectively false. The party does not support those ideals.

                  • @[email protected]
                    49 months ago

                    Except they do

                    The repeal of Roe v Wade

                    Endorsement of a president who has had multiple sexual assault suits against him

                    The GOPs refusal to adhere to court orders about redistributing Alabama because it’s gerrymandered to have the majority of the black population in one district. This minimizes the representation they’re able to have.

                    Florida trying to ban healthcare for adults because they’re afraid of trans people

                    The Supreme Court openly saying that gay marriage is something the conservative justices would like to revisit

                    There’s countless more examples of the party endorsing and supporting racist, homophobic, transphobic and sexist policies.

                    But evidence doesn’t matter to you, so I’m sure this will fall on deaf ears