Does anyone else think having emojis as a response to a comment/thread would be a neat addition instead of only upvote/downvote?

Reddit seemed to sorta do that with awards but thats not quite what I’m suggesting.

Something similar to GitHub for instance, except we keep the upvote downvote system as-is.

This would hopefully discourage the use of upvote/downvote as a “I like/dislike this” button while also adding the ability to more accurately express the emotion the post/comment illicited

Additionally, there are a lot of people who are mostly just lurkers and have no desire to post, but they want to be able to emote further then just a upvote/downvote but DON’T want to actually post a comment like “I love this” or “You’re so right” or even just commenting an emoji, because making a comment is a whole extra action that makes them visible, opens up to comments or upvotes/downvotes.

  • @JakeroxsOP
    9 months ago

    Ok so same as the other person, just hate emojis for some reason.

    I’d just like to point out that techies were using emoticons back when those groups thought the Internet was a series of tubes.

    • Sabata11792
      9 months ago

      Emojis are the feeling of Corporate Grandma yelling yeetSwagBuxx. It’s artificial, forced, and clean language approved by HR.

      • @JakeroxsOP
        19 months ago

        It also doesn’t require making a comment, and is fun to use for many people 🤷‍♂️