Does anyone else think having emojis as a response to a comment/thread would be a neat addition instead of only upvote/downvote?

Reddit seemed to sorta do that with awards but thats not quite what I’m suggesting.

Something similar to GitHub for instance, except we keep the upvote downvote system as-is.

This would hopefully discourage the use of upvote/downvote as a “I like/dislike this” button while also adding the ability to more accurately express the emotion the post/comment illicited

Additionally, there are a lot of people who are mostly just lurkers and have no desire to post, but they want to be able to emote further then just a upvote/downvote but DON’T want to actually post a comment like “I love this” or “You’re so right” or even just commenting an emoji, because making a comment is a whole extra action that makes them visible, opens up to comments or upvotes/downvotes.

  • Illecors
    239 months ago

    No, I don’t think that. I like that Lemmy is not facebook, or whatsapp, or instagram, or youtube, ir reddit.

    • @JakeroxsOP
      -19 months ago

      Adding emojis as an optional response not requiring a comment (and not removing or interacting with the upvote/downvote system) wouldn’t make Lemmy as a whole anything like Facebook whatsapp Instagram or YouTube, that’s a very weird thing to say.

    • m-p{3}
      79 months ago

      I wouldn’t mind seeing tags for posts to categorizes discussions in a community tho,

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        Yeah, but tags are a type of reaction. OP is talking about reactions to posts and comments.

        Tags would be great to have.

        • @JakeroxsOP
          49 months ago

          Right, tags are a different concept, I do mean just a reaction option in addition to upvote or downvote

  • @xmunk
    179 months ago

    I think that when Facebook swapped like and dislike out for the set of five emoji responses they noticeably reduced the feedback it was possible to leave on a post. They removed the ability to disagree with a post and turned every response into an affirmation of some kind.

    I’d prefer not to degrade lemmy in the same way.

    • @JakeroxsOP
      9 months ago

      I would definitely advocate for both, not removing upvote downvote at all

      Like I mentioned on another reply, I’m thinking more akin to discord wherein you can upvote/downvote but also add 1 emoji if you’d like

  • @[email protected]
    139 months ago

    If you want the fediverse to grow, it needs content. Emoji responses are some of the lowest effort engagement you can have. That’s just asking for a race to the bottom.

    Encourage more substantial responses, not less.

    • @JakeroxsOP
      9 months ago

      I mean, is it really any different then upvote and downvote? Why even have that functionality if we should be focusing on requiring everyone to write a reply? :p see how that logic doesn’t really make sense?

      • qprimed
        59 months ago

        well… I think many people use up/down voting as a continued engagement driver (visibility and whatnot). would you also propose filters/sorting for emoji reaction (most hearted, etc)? my biases tend toward simplicity and reactions outside of actual replies “just don’t do it for me”.

        • @JakeroxsOP
          49 months ago

          Fair enough, I think it would give the option to more accurately express a reaction over just “I like/don’t like this” which I know isn’t really what the upvote/downvote system is supposed to be used as but uh… It is what ends up happing lol

          • radix
            59 months ago

            I didn’t see the point of what you were saying until you mentioned it would be a way to express disagreement without calling the post itself bad and/or limiting its reach.

            (I notice that’s what’s happening in this post: people don’t like the idea, so they downvote, which I think is uncalled for because it means we can’t distinguish low-effort spam and trolling from valid but unpopular ideas like yours.)

              • qprimed
                9 months ago

                it means we can’t distinguish low-effort spam and trolling from valid but unpopular ideas like yours.



                edit to say that anything to get up/down votes back to meaning “this is relevant / interesting, (even if I don’t agree or like)” would be useful.

  • Dandroid
    119 months ago

    I think it’s fine to just leave the emoji as a comment.

    • @JakeroxsOP
      29 months ago

      My only problem with this is threads can quickly become overrun if everyone did that, I’m thinking like discord style

        • @JakeroxsOP
          29 months ago

          Idk if you saw like Hexbear users putting emojis and everyone getting upset about it because it displays different to them with their version of Lemmy (apparently)

      • @Imgonnatrythis
        39 months ago

        I don’t forsee threads being overrun on Lemmy anytime soon (with the exception of hexbear spam perhaps).

        • @JakeroxsOP
          19 months ago

          I’ve already seen many examples where a top level comment has 15-20 replies (not each continuing into their own thread) which is difficult to keep track of sometimes and having more emotive options would likely cut down on certain responses like just an emoji comment or things like “this” because an upvote doesn’t feel like “enough” but a comment is also not really adding to the discussion

          • @Imgonnatrythis
            29 months ago

            If people on Lemmy start responding with “this” I’m fuckin out of here

            • @JakeroxsOP
              09 months ago

              You haven’t seen that already? Lol I definitely have, I’ve done it myself because sometimes I want that extra bit of satisfaction that an upvote doesn’t give on it’s own.

                • @JakeroxsOP
                  9 months ago

                  Eh, then they shouldn’t have made many many decisions I disagree with and killed off my favorite app in the name of $$$

                  I didn’t exactly want to leave reddit, but I can’t stand what it’s become. I like the format but hate the company.

                  You act like you think you’re better then people simply because they do something you find annoying, that’s not a great personality trait.

                  Also, I’ve been using forums of various types/formats for decades, it’s not just a “reddit” thing to say this, or puns, or many other things that people like to hate on because “redditors” do it.

  • @[email protected]
    59 months ago

    Emojis don’t have fixed meanings. A better solution to what you’re asking for would be Slashdot-style moderation, where you can apply an upvote/downvote and specify a reason, and then the system would kind of average them together and say whether a comment is generally thought to be insightful, informative, trolling, etc.

    • @JakeroxsOP
      29 months ago

      I don’t see how that’d work within the framework of Lemmy/Reddit, that’d be a COMPLETE overhaul to the entire system

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I don’t entirely disagree, but at least it would be effective at its stated purpose of showing how people feel about a post.

        • @JakeroxsOP
          19 months ago

          I guess I’m not looking for additional moderation or something to that extent, just more ability to express a feeling or emotion without needing to make a full on comment and more expressive then up arrow or down arrow.

  • ryan
    29 months ago

    I think it could be fun if it were opt-in per community, similar to custom awards on Reddit but free. The downside would be losing compatibility with other ActivityPub implementations (although FireFish does have emoji reactions so implementing it the same way as FF would help to set a standard).

    • @JakeroxsOP
      19 months ago

      Right, it would be something that could be implemented and understood more widely, if we never push the envelope in the name of interoperability, we won’t ever move forward. Obviously it can and should be done intelligently, not advocating to break everything with every change or anything like that

    • @JakeroxsOP
      19 months ago

      I’m actually curious what does the upvote/downvote button equate to for other activitypub implementations?

      • ryan
        28 months ago

        Upvote is like a Mastodon favorite, and should be used similar to a favorite across other ActivityPub implementations. Boost, likewise, is common across other implementations.

        (Fun fact though: kbin originally had these reversed - upvote performed a boost, and what is now called “boost” was originally favorite! This was switched a bit ago for better interoperability with Lemmy and other AP implementations.)

        Downvote, to my knowledge, is a unique implementation to Lemmy/kbin.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    I would like that. Only thing, we need to figure out a way to calculate a score for posts and comments to be able to sort them.

    • @JakeroxsOP
      19 months ago

      I feel like that would be a much harder aspect, which is why I was advocating to keep the upvote/downvote system unchanged.

      Would certainly be interesting to think about how something like that could be accomplished though 👍

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Having two competing systems in parallel maybe isn’t the best choice. People probably don’t want to click 2 buttons everytime. And then you lose their votes. Also this way the emojis are mere decoration and not something useful to grade the posts.

        I read some people don’t like the way down-voting works. A new system would be a good opportunity to fix this and provide ways to distinguish between disapproval and wanting to lower visibility.

        Idk. If it’s a well-made, elaborate new system. I’m okay to replace the old one.

        I think some Fediverse software already has emoji reactions. Could be Misskey or Pleroma or something like that.

        • @JakeroxsOP
          19 months ago

          Eh, I think most would still use upvote and downvotes majority and add on with a emoji sometimes, just like awards on reddit, just without needing to pay for the ability to use them.

          Again though, it would be interesting to think about some sort of system that replaces it altogether, but I don’t see a way to make that viable at the moment.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            A first idea would be to have 3 categories of emojis. positive reactions (thumbsup, smiley, rocket, …), neutral ones (hat, …) and negative ones (vomiting, …). Together with a proper downvote symbol, this could map onto the old categories.

            But that’d have to be transparent and intuitive. many users don’t want to learn about specifics. and what exactly votes and what’s decoration. It has to be obvious and work without learning things.

  • Yes. Like what github does. It’d allow expressing agreement or a brief opinion, while supporting the “upvote if it’s interesting, not if you agree,” without forcing everyone to either resort to “me too” comments or being mute.

    • @JakeroxsOP
      29 months ago

      Exactly like that! Better example then Discord style thank you!

      • @JakeroxsOP
        29 months ago

        Do you have more specific thoughts as to why not?

        • Sabata11792
          49 months ago

          Emojis are the cruel heartless face of enshittification and a call to summon the children, normies, Facebook moms, and profiteers. We just Left reddit, allow us to rest our weeping bones.

          • @JakeroxsOP
            9 months ago

            Ok so same as the other person, just hate emojis for some reason.

            I’d just like to point out that techies were using emoticons back when those groups thought the Internet was a series of tubes.

            • Sabata11792
              9 months ago

              Emojis are the feeling of Corporate Grandma yelling yeetSwagBuxx. It’s artificial, forced, and clean language approved by HR.

              • @JakeroxsOP
                19 months ago

                It also doesn’t require making a comment, and is fun to use for many people 🤷‍♂️

    • @JakeroxsOP
      19 months ago

      Have more specific thoughts on why? Seemed like quite a few people misunderstood what I was going for, I definitely could have better described it in the OP

        • @JakeroxsOP
          19 months ago

          Lol that’s definitely an odd take but ok, didn’t know older people never used Emojis, TIL

            • @JakeroxsOP
              29 months ago

              Simply not true, I work with many older people and they like using emojis if they’re more techy, there’s nothing wrong with them, get over yourself.

                • @JakeroxsOP
                  09 months ago

                  Lmao, I accept your answer, I just disagree with your opinion from my lived experiences, you seem like you’re a lot of fun at parties.

                  I’m hoping for actual constructive criticism to the idea, not just “I don’t like emojis because Im an uptight ass”