• @Gorilladrums
    -19 months ago

    Western leftists, like their right wing counterparts, are very prone to propaganda. Massive propaganda campaigns by islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Pakistan, etc managed to convince western leftists that a literal terrorist group on the same level as ISIS is actually the good guy and that they’re the real victims. It took a horrific invasion and terrorist attacks that murdered nearly 1000 innocent civilians AND have all of the horrors captured on video to convince a portion of western leftists that maybe a terrorist group is really a terrorist group.

    Right now the left is STILL split where a big chunk is still doubling down on the propaganda where they’re straight up celebrating and justifying the torture, rape, murder of civilians and the parading of their naked corpses, while another chunk is just starting to realize that maybe terrorists really are the baddies and so they take this “both sides bad” stance beause they’re not fully sure about it. I really hope it won’t take another horrific terrorist attack and the lives of another 1000 innocent civilians for western leftists to wake up and understand that Hamas IS the bad guy here. There’s no ifs or buts about it. There’s a lot to criticize Israel for, a lot, but there’s no “both sides” to this. Israel is infinitely better than Hamas.

    The thing is that this isn’t new. Western leftist were also duped by Russia to believe that they were the good guys until they invaded Ukraine twice, and there’s still a part of the left that’s pro Russia. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I see leftists defend evil regimes like Iran, China, Russia, and even North Korea. It shouldn’t take atrocities for the western left or right to see evil and acknowledge it.

      • @Gorilladrums
        09 months ago

        “Don’t fall for propaganda that tries to tell you terrorists are the good guys!”

        “OmG tHiS uNhInGed bEhAvIoR”

        Maybe you should follow your own advice