The article accuses Israel of potentially committing war crimes in its conflict with Hamas, focusing on a siege on Gaza, airstrikes harming civilians, and evacuation orders. It criticizes the U.S. for not condemning Israel’s actions and emphasizes the need for diplomatic solutions. The piece argues that Israel’s approach could backfire politically and suggests that there’s no military solution to the conflict. It calls for the U.S. to exercise influence to deter such actions, asserting it’s in the interests of both the U.S. and Israel to prevent further civilian casualties and maintain regional stability.

  • @[email protected]
    259 months ago

    Wasn’t there an article yesterday that the US asked for restrained actions even against the hamas?

        • PugJesus
          59 months ago

          Essentially, Biden is very much a ‘consensus’ leader. In other words, he tends not to make strong deviations from policy unless there is very broad support for them. Supporting Ukraine was pre-existing US policy and popular at the time of the 2022 invasion - so Biden intensifying it wasn’t out of character for him.

          Opposing Israel, on the other hand, would be contrary to established US policy and something that is not widely supported in the US. So Biden is very unlikely to do anything substantial to restrain Israel, regardless of how horrific the situation gets.

          • GreenM
            9 months ago

            Aren’t presidents supposed to represent policy of their country though ? What’s the point of head of the state that goes against it’s policy ?

            • PugJesus
              29 months ago

              Typically a president must (and should) make a lot of decisions in ‘edge cases’ and in changing policy. Biden is essentially cautious on both. Not inherently bad, but often frustrating when long-standing policy is questionable or 30% of the country is

              • GreenM
                19 months ago

                I see. IMHO Biden seem to have lost respect because his health seems not top notch so it makes people doubt his mental health. If he wasn’t falling or having trouble speaking occasionally, he would be less criticized.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      69 months ago

      They asked. That’s not really much. Israel still has a carte blanche from the international community to commit warcrimes.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          119 months ago

          I mean they’re committing warcrimes right this moment and instead of stopping them everyone is giving them weapons.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            How are they committing wacrimes on purpose when they tell the civilians actually to fuck off and get out of the fire? As cruel as it’s sound those civilians are collateral damage, killed because the hamas is hiding between them and forcing them to stay in the warzone.

            What should they do after this horrendous crimes against their people, then to move against the hamas? Did the US not act after 9/11? Did we as NATO not act when Serbians committed a genocide in Kosovo? High civilian casualties are a welcomed effect by terrorists like the Hamas, cause they are not a regular army.

            I find it wrong what’s happens there but I also have no Idea what Israel could do different in order to save humans lives and also to defend themselves.

            • NoneOfUrBusiness
              9 months ago

              How are they committing wacrimes on purpose when they tell the civilians actually to fuck off and get out of the fire?

              They then attack those civilians while they’re fucking off, or after they get to the location they told them to fuck off to. Not kidding they’ve done it five times by my count the past few days. They’re also attacking journalists, hospitals and the like. And don’t get me started on the white phosphorus.

              So yeah, they’re committing warcrimes.

              What should they do after this horrendous crimes against their people, then to move against the hamas?

              Well, after pushing Hamas to the Gaza ousting Netenyahu and installing a PM who’s actually interesting in peace would be a good start. There’ll never be peace—and therefore violence is inevitable—as long as Netenyahu and his party are in charge. I’m not exaggerating.

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                You also can turn this around. As long as they are terrorists like the Hamas backed by the people around them there will be no peace because they have only one goal and that is to wipe the Jews out. I’m not exaggerating, they are actually founded on this, the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are part of their charter.

                Like I said there is no easy solution and I’m not stupid enough to tell you there is one. All included parties have fucked up big time.

                • NoneOfUrBusiness
                  9 months ago

                  You also can turn this around.

                  No you can’t, because:

                  1-Netenyahu has been standing in the way of peace since the Oslo accords, aka the when the conflict was the closest to being fully resolved (literally Netenyahu just had to follow the deal his predecessor made with Arafat and that would be it).

                  2-Hamas and Israel signed two ceasefires before, one in 2008 and another in 2012. Both included that Israel had to lift the blockade. Well that didn’t happen so both fell through. Netenyahu also vehemently opposed the short-lived unified Palestinian government because it meant Palestinians would’ve been able to work towards peace again.

                  This is what I’m talking about. Hamas had (has?) some fucked up shit in their charter, but in the end they’re not so insane as to reject reality. Meanwhile Netenyahu just changes reality to keep himself in power.

                  Also speaking of which, Hamas changed their charter in 2017 to only demand the return to 1967 borders.

                  • @[email protected]
                    9 months ago

                    Yes I can and you also very well know that this is not only about Hamas, but Iran, Hezbollah…

                    I agree on letting Netenyahu go, he is evolving into a Putin of Israel and quite an extremists. But your answers still sound very single minded.

            • prole
              59 months ago

              You’re right, this situation JUST started with the attack at the festival. Literally nothing ever happened there before that day.

              Give me a fucking break.

                • prole
                  29 months ago

                  The land was Palestine before 1948, the natives who had lived there for generations were Palestinians, and their land was simply taken from them. What the fuck do you mean they “started a war”?

                  • @[email protected]
                    9 months ago

                    The land was not “Palestine” before. Please read up on the actual history of the area instead of some propaganda blog you found online. The people who founded Israel were also native to the area and lived there for thousands of years.

                    International forces divided the land because the different groups couldn’t get along and one of these reasons was the anti-semitism still quite present in the area and the surrounding countries who exiled Jews who joined, along those from other countries which killed and exiled them during the world wars and before, those who already lived in Israel.

                  • GreenM
                    9 months ago

                    You can’t go with argument what was sometime in the past to apply it today, otherwise everyone would just find something that happened earlier and conflict would never stop. It has to be solved with today’s borders regardless if it’s loss for either or both sides unless they both agree upon change.

                  • @[email protected]
                    9 months ago

                    and even before that it was owned bei Romans, Byzantine and yes the Isrealis.

                    you really need to read a book, after the UN gave the land to Isreael there were three wars against Israel started from the surrounding countries and they won them all and took some land in return for their losses.

                    how would you react if your country is at war the second it is established?