• @[email protected]
    -139 months ago

    Not commenting on the actual crisis going on but who cares what the American Jews think? They aren’t in Israel and have never lived a day over there. It’s almost like American Irish giving their opinion of Brexit. Yes we know what is going on is wrong, but the audience voicing their opinion barely has more relevance than the average person. It must be exhausting on boths sides to have foreigners voice their opinions on what is an actual war zone right now.

    • PugJesus
      109 months ago

      When a common refrain of pro-Israel propaganda is “All criticism is antisemitism”, you bet your fucking ass that the opinion of American Jews is important.

      • Flying Squid
        119 months ago

        Similarly, when people assume that because you’re a Jew you must support Israel, it’s also important to make that distinction.

      • @Gorilladrums
        -29 months ago

        Literally nobody thinks except actual antisemites who want to mask their hatred of Jews by hiding behind “akchually it’s anti-zionism”. I saw a guy on Instagram defend muslims in Europe literally fucking drawing stars on the houses of Jews as “anti-zionism”. Like no, that’s just straight up nazi shit.

        • prole
          9 months ago

          So you saw one dumbass Nazi on the internet, and now you think that’s how anyone who is “anti-zionist” believes? Fuck off with that.

          Not only is it completely logically unsound, it’s insulting to people who are capable of understanding nuance.

          But no, you? You know this already don’t you? You’re not actually this dumb. Maybe you were even briefed about this exact conversation tree by a superior officer. But I’m not even sure you deserve that benefit of the doubt.

          People see through this shit now. It’s not working anymore as a smoke screen for the disgusting war crimes and atrocities committed on the Palestinian people that you aren’t allowed to admit have been happening for 60+ years.

        • PugJesus
          09 months ago

          Literally nobody thinks except actual antisemites who want to mask their hatred of Jews by hiding behind “akchually it’s anti-zionism”.

          You need to get out more.

    • prole
      39 months ago

      Comparing the Jewish diaspora to the American Irish isn’t even apples and oranges, it’s apples and ice cream trucks. They’re not even in the same category.

      People with Jewish ancestry are born with a “birthright” to become a citizen of Israel (including the option for dual citizenship, of course). It’s just a completely different and unique situation.

      • TechyDad
        79 months ago

        I might have a “birthright” to become a citizen of Israel, but that doesn’t mean that I, as an American Jew, have a strong connection to Israel. It definitely doesn’t mean that I have influence over what Israel does or am somehow responsible for Israel’s actions.

        I’ve recently seen people celebrating attacks on a Jewish temple and bakery in America because “they are a symbol of Zionist aggression.” The person was justifying anti-semitic attacks on American Jews because “Israel did X.” I expect this antisemitism from the right, but this was coming from someone on the left. As an American Jew, it’s scary to suddenly face antisemitism for something I have no influence over from both sides of the aisle.

        • prole
          29 months ago

          I’ve recently seen people celebrating attacks on a Jewish temple and bakery in America because “they are a symbol of Zionist aggression.

          Got a link? Because a lot of those videos have been proven to be disinformation, and videos from years ago completely unrelated to the conflict. One of them was people celebrating after a soccer game.

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      Not commenting on the actual protest going on but who cares what the random Fedi thinks? They aren’t in the protest and have never participated a minute over there.

      • @[email protected]
        -19 months ago

        This is a social forum. It’s made for comments? You don’t have to care what I think and I’m fine with being wrong, but I hope you aren’t on Lemmy just for an echo chamber.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          Wow, so, a public space is appropriate for public comment, like, perhaps a protest is a legitimate expression of opinion?

          betz24, I’m about to exercise my freedom of expression on a social forum made for comments, but, your comment (not you, I don’t know you. Big distinction) is very stupid. With high emphasis on both “very” and “stupid”. It also displays an absolute lack of self-awareness which I think would be personally enriching for you to start practicing.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            Dusty thanks for the feedback. Clearly a lot of people are upset at the comment I made. As a person with several friends in Israel, I felt this article wasnt doing the people justice.