Meta is starting to ramp up its growth-hacking tactics for Threads in a bid to boost engagement on the Twitter competitor.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      228 months ago

      Unfortunately there’s a lot of things that communicate only via Facebook, and they’ve decimated Craigslist so it’s the only place to sell crap.

      • @[email protected]
        308 months ago

        I don’t deal with any business that uses solely facebook as means for communication. I don’t miss them, the platform does a bit less and things get less enshitified. Craigslist isn’t that bad, I still use them all the time, people are much better than the flakes I used to deal with on facebook marketplace. There will be a federated classifieds soon, I’m sure, and the people will regain that corner of the market again.

        • 50gp
          238 months ago

          lot of dumbass small businesses using it when they should have a website

          • @[email protected]
            98 months ago

            Which is so dumb, making a website isn’t that hard with all the tools that will do it for you and are advertised on every pod that has ever been cast.

            • edric
              68 months ago

              That’s true, but on the otther hand, nobody GenZ or onwards checks for websites anymore. Most people will look up a business on instagram first, so I don’t blame them, especially small businesses, when they operate on social media primarily.

              • wowbagger
                58 months ago

                What? Myself and most of my friends are Gen Z and nobody I know does this. Google Maps is always the first place I look, and 70% of the time I click through to the business’s actual site.

                Hell, most of us barely use IG at all anymore

                • edric
                  18 months ago

                  That’s great then. I’m a musician so not a business per se, but I need to promote my music and act as a business in that regard. My anecdotal experience - Even though I have a linktree as my “website”, most people who look me up when I post my music search my social media profiles instead. From the business pov, it makes sense because getting a follow on social media means long term visibility and engagement, instead of viewing a website one time and forgetting about it; unless you have a newsletter people can sign up for (if they even bother). So I agree that websites should still be a thing, on the other hand I also understand how small businesses choose to operate on social media.

                  • wowbagger
                    8 months ago

                    I took the phrase “small business” to mean places with an actual storefront (restaurants, small shops, studios, and so on) who use FB or IG in lieu of having their own site. For those places it makes particularly little sense because social media isn’t most people’s first port of call when they’re looking for somewhere to eat dinner or go thrifting.

      • Elle
        38 months ago

        Unfortunately there’s a lot of things that communicate only via Facebook, and they’ve decimated Craigslist so it’s the only place to sell crap.

        Undead marketers?

    • @[email protected]
      218 months ago

      If I could get all my friends and family to stop using it, I would. Unfortunately they and also several communities I’m a part of choose to continue using Facebook and IG and nothing else, and if I’m not on there I only learn about events and such by word of mouth several weeks later, after they’re over. I have tried to convince them to leave or at least cross-post on other communities but they look at me like a crazy person and don’t care.

      • Melpomene
        48 months ago

        I was in this boat too. Gave it some thought and realized that if my “friend” group was so uninterested in including me that none of then could be bothered to shoot me a text, then… they weren’t really my friends in the first place.

        • @[email protected]
          -18 months ago

          When your group is several thousand people, that can be tiring, and you may not have their phone numbers.

          • Melpomene
            38 months ago

            I’ve never been “friends” with thousands of people. If I had 100 people on Facebook, I maybe spent real world time with a dozen and we did have phone numbers so…

          • Echo Dot
            28 months ago

            You are not friend with thousands of people. You are friends with a tiny subset of them, about 5 is avarage, so just get them to talk to you.

              • Echo Dot
                18 months ago

                Well in that case you have better memory than any human who has ever existed. Also they also have better memory than any human who is better existed.

                So there is apparently 1,000 people out there who are freaks of nature and no one’s noticed.

                Come on dude it’s literally impossible to remember 1,000 people’s names, even if you had met even half of them. Which you haven’t because you can’t meet 1,000 people in any real sense, you can see 1,000 people in a stadium perhaps but you can’t really interact with them in any meaningful way.

                Just because it says there your friends on Facebook doesn’t mean they actually are your friends. In that you know them and would attend their weddings.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  In that you know them and would attend their weddings.

                  Well, most of them no. But we are all part of a community that does activities together on a regular basis.

      • Flying Squid
        48 months ago

        I’m in a similar situation. I’m also in a town where I have no friends and I can only keep in touch with the friends I have via Facebook, and then a handful by other methods. My brother is also ASD and Facebook is his preferred communications medium. I really wonder if I’ll ever hear from him again if Facebook goes down. He’s never once called me or emailed me and I don’t know his phone number or email address.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      Let me explain,

      You study a college, everyone has a Facebook account so it makes sense for teachers to just notify students through Facebook. If everyone has a Facebook account and you dont, its your problem. Noone is going to message you via email just for you.

      A different example, You go to an Office. There is a huge notice board. Its filled with notices and there is a huge queue. The office management has not made it digital so the staff members themselves setup a Facebook page and post the pics of notices. Because they know how to use Facebook and everyone around them use Facebook. So what kind of fool would reject that convinience in looking up notices and go queue up in there?

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              It’s not so much about Meta itself but a social network can be very useful. It just so happens to be that the most popular one currently is Facebook. If someone decides they want to use and would benefit from the services a social network has to offer then naturally they’re going to want to use the one that almost all the people they know are already using. No point using social network B while all your friends and family are only using social network A. That would be like wanting to party/socialise in the city at night but only going to empty bars and then scratching your head about why you have no one to talk to. You go to the bar that’s popular. The choice of which one is already made for you if that’s the kind of thing you want to do.

              Don’t get me wrong, I spend about a minute on Facebook a month, I find it very useful for events especially. Given the convenience of the tools available, I don’t expect people to message me directly when they’re organising a medium to large gathering.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Sounds like a made up problem!

        Even in your example, absolutely no one forced anyone to use it as a “social media” app. If it is a matter of convenience to access the notices, or talk to teacher, then use it like how you would use school/work apps such as canvas/blackboard/slack/teams apps. Stop using it beyond it’s purpose. Which is to say, add “friends” if you have to so that you can access notices or messages from your teacher or whatever. But doom scrolling on clickbait and keeping tabs on Exes shouldn’t be done.