• Echo Dot
    1338 months ago

    You’re going to drive to buy illegal drugs, and you don’t put your seat belt on, so now some cop has cause to pull you over, what if he’s doing it on the way back? Fucking idiot.

      • @[email protected]
        98 months ago

        Incidentally, check all your lights before pulling out of your spot. Many a bag has been confiscated over a busted light.

        Even that’s not foolproof. My wife and I were once pulled over in her car while driving home late at night from an out-of-state event, by some podunk South Carolina cop for having a light that “wasn’t as bright as it should be.” Spoiler alert: there wasn’t a damn thing wrong with it.

        Because I (a white guy) was in the car with her, nothing happened and we were shortly sent on our way, but part of me wonders if that would’ve been the case if she (a black woman) had been alone.

        • Echo Dot
          8 months ago

          having a light that “wasn’t as bright as it should be.”

          Too many people are getting these ultra bright LED lights that shine with the intensity of a thousand supernova.

          I’m sorry but my 2012 car has an incandescent bulb which is still perfectly safe even if it cannot illuminate the next two hundred miles of road.

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            This happened a decade+ ago, before LED taillights were a thing. There wasn’t even that BS excuse!

          • JokeDeity
            28 months ago

            I’m having to drive another person’s vehicle temporarily and they have the brightest fucking lights ever and I feel like the biggest douchebag driving it. I hate being my own worst enemy on dark roads.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Halogens sometimes dim over time, so if you still have the original headlight bulbs, you might consider replacing them. I just replaced the bulbs in our 2014 vehicle for that reason, and the new ones are a bit brighter. But, I agree with your points in general.

            Most of the LEDs that are a problem for me are the aftermarket ones. I don’t usually have an issue with the ones that are on cars designed for them, fortunately.

            • Echo Dot
              8 months ago

              The problem for me is it’s so much of a hassle to get to the bulb that it’s not worth it unless they actually go out. You practically have to take the engine out to get to the headlines.

              • @[email protected]
                28 months ago

                Yeah, some cars are real bears. The ones in mine aren’t bad, though our pickup does have a latch you have to unlock from the wheel well (Youtube helped there). But I know some older Mazdas, for example, required removing the bumper cover and other things to get to the bulbs. Yikes.

          • @[email protected]
            38 months ago

            I once got pulled over because my “driver’s side tires touched the center line around that corner.” But I kept my mouth shut because I had just passed a speed limit sign without having completely slowed down so I was technically still doing 30mph over the limit when I got pulled over. Pretty sure the cop knew that and just didn’t want to ticket me. It was 1AM so I’m pretty sure he was just fishing for drunks so when he found out I wasn’t drunk and that I’m white he just let me go.

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        It’s such bullshit they get the benefit of the doubt because: Am PoLiCe MaN.

        I just passed under a light and it must have just changed to red as I passed under it because it 100% was yellow the whole time I could see it. I noticed the cop in the parking lot on one of the corners of the intersection start to move. He pulls out and pulls me over, I fight the ticket, and in court this mother fucker says “I (the cop) was sitting at the intersection and my light was green for almost 10 seconds when they (me) ran the red light.” …in the intersection and the parking lot at the same time. We have quantum police apparently.

        Fuck that pig…