Hi, I have a transmasc boyfriend and am part of the LGBTQ+ alliance. However I started my first year of college and encountered uneducated men who just did not believe that trans people had their rights under attack. One of my friends even told my trans woman friend that she had more rights than him. How or what can you do to help others become educated without “debating trans existence” or starting an argument? Thank you.

  • @thatgirlwasfire
    81 year ago

    There wouldn’t need to be a month dedicated to pride if lgbt people weren’t discriminated against.

    • Tb0n3
      -21 year ago

      I’m just starting what the average person sees.

      • @Daefsdeda
        41 year ago

        So it makes it equal because they get a “month”. I get it. You probably don’t know a lot of these people and i didnt use to either. But when speaking about their life experience, they have been shunned from most friend groups and yeah they all chill with like minded people cause you know there aren’t any bigots there.

        I get that if you were like me and you really arent a bigot, that it is hard to see the (daily) struggles and think well I dont see any discrimination. But like most people can amend to is that most have more struggles because they are of the lgbtq+ group.

        • @Djeece
          31 year ago

          Exactly. Most of us can’t really know about it because we don’t see it everyday.

          All of my LGBTQ friends have a story or another of a scary situation, and I live in a very LGBTQ friendly place.

          Saying there’s no discrimination against them is either misinformed, or burying your head in the sand.

        • Tb0n3
          -11 year ago

          The post was asking about normies and I was relating what should be expected and the thought process there in.