• @[email protected]
      98 months ago

      It’s an interesting statement but you need to work on the “why” before we can call it a hypothesis. Also, I’m gonna need some kind of unit of analysis for “better”.

            • @starman2112
              8 months ago

              You are fine with it, though. You’re fine with voting third party, and prefer it over preventing fascism from gaining traction. If you weren’t fine with fascism, then that would supercede your desire to feel morally superior for not actually participating in the system at all.

              • @[email protected]
                -28 months ago

                I am not fine with it just because I refuse to play the silly game of republican vs democrat. You really overestimate your intelligence to think you know me like that.

                • @starman2112
                  8 months ago

                  You have a choice at the polls. You can scream into the void, where nobody hears you and you have no effect on the election’s outcome, or you can grit your teeth and vote for the candidate who isn’t a fascist, and you opt to scream into the void. It’s hard to believe you aren’t fine with fascism when you put your own feeling of moral superiority above the actual real world consequences of allowing a fascist to win.

                  I mean sure, women are having their rights violated in many states now, and even those who don’t get abortions have to endure an investigation into their womb when they have a miscarriage, but at least you didn’t vote for some democrat in 2016, right?

                  • @[email protected]
                    -28 months ago

                    I dont need you to believe anything. But I’d rather shoot myself than vote for someone I dont believe in. Having to vote for the lesser evil candidate is not democracy