• @[email protected]
    -38 months ago

    There are some differences but both sides are pro genocide in the middle east and I can’t give even tacit support to that

    • @starman2112
      8 months ago

      Yup. If my daughter ever has a miscarriage, she’ll be investigated for murder and possibly thrown in jail because us fuckers didn’t just grit our teeth and vote Clinton, but hey it’s fine because both sides are bad, so the greater suffering that exists now is worth it because you and I get to say our hands were clean in 2016.

      • @[email protected]
        -28 months ago

        That’ll happen because of state laws. We have a dem in the white house right now and he can’t do shit about it. What he is doing is genocide

        • @starman2112
          8 months ago

          No, it’ll happen because fuckers like us allowed Trump to win in 2016, allowing him to install conservatives in the supreme court who gave the states their newfound rights to ban abortion. That shit is 100% on the president, and your daughters and mine, and our granddaughters and their daughters will all have to fight ever harder to claw back the modicum of self-governance the supreme court granted them 50 years ago.

          But I guess I’m not allowed to care about my daughter because the current president isn’t as good as I want him to be. I guess it’s worth letting actual literal fascist Ron Desantis win 2024 as long as we get to say “I didn’t want either party to win,” as if that fucking matters.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            You allowed trump to win in 2016? That’s pretty shitty dude. I would not have done that if I were you.