A group tracking antisemitism in Germany said Tuesday that it documented a drastic increase of antisemitic incidents in the country in the month after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7.

The RIAS group said it recorded 994 incidents, which is an average of 29 incidents per day and an increase of 320% compared to the same time period in 2022. The group looked at the time period from Oct. 7 to Nov. 9.

Among the 994 antisemitic incidents, there were three cases of extreme violence, 29 attacks, targeted damage to 72 properties, 32 threats, four mass mailings and 854 cases of offensive behavior.

Many Jews in Germany experienced antisemitic incidents in their everyday lives and even those who weren’t exposed to any antisemitic incidents reported feelings of insecurity and fear, said RIAS, which is an abbreviation in German for the Department for Research and Information on Antisemitism.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    So you people actually want Israel to be gone? Where shall all the Israelis go, in your opinion? And why do the Israelis have less of a right for a country than the Palestinians?

    • @[email protected]
      -37 months ago

      Well first generation settlers should definitely move back to their homes, wherever they have citizenship and it’s feasible (not refugees etc).

      But as for the rest I never said expel everyone in Israeli occupied territory. I said abolish the state. They can still live there, but not under a genocidal ethnostate in which you have higher status for being a member of one faith.

      Land will have to be redistributed, and reparations paid as well.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Who is supposed to pay those reparations if Israel doesn’t exist anymore and there are no Israelis?

        How are the Jews supposed to protect themselves from the people who want them out of the country or dead (which is the reason why Israel came into existence in the first place)?

        What kind of state do you think Palestine would be? Or is it okay to have a Muslim ethnostate but not a Jewish one?

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          there are no Israelis

          Never said all the people currently there had to leave

          protect themselves from the people who want them out of the country or dead

          Maybe when they’re not stealing Palestinian land and genociding Palestinians, there wouldn’t be so much animosity.

          What kind of state do you think Palestine would be?

          One representative of those that live there, a mix.