Japan prepares regulation requiring Apple to allow sideloading::As the Digital Markets Act antitrust law passed in the European Union, Apple has until March 2024 to let users…

  • @thecrotch
    6 months ago

    Victims? What a dumb take. It’s not like apple allowed side loading and then pulled the rug out. Do you get pissy if you buy a car and find out it doesn’t work underwater?

    You sound like the neck beards bitching about the Barbie movie. Of course they didn’t like it, it’s not for them, it’s made for little girls. If you want to sideload, the iPhone isn’t for you. It’s for people who don’t care about that. That’s most people. I can’t imagine going through life so entitled that you believe every product needs to cater towards your use case.

    • @mindbleach
      6 months ago

      Fuck off if you’re going to lob insults and ignore the argument.

      These are your rights. It is your computer. It should do what you fucking tell it to.

      I’m not wasting another second on you if your idea of discourse is ‘this is what you sound like, myeh myeh myeh.’ Childmove nonsense.

      • @thecrotch
        -16 months ago

        Fuck off if you’re going to lob insults and ignore the argument.

        I didn’t ignore your argument. People who buy a device knowing what it’s capabilities are, and then whine that it doesn’t do more, are dumb. Your argument is dumb.

        These are your rights. It is your computer. It should do what you fucking tell it to.

        Right and responsibilities are two sides of the same coin. What about your responsibility to know what you’re buying? What about the rights of people who want the curated experience a walled garden approach gives them? You know, the ones iPhones are designed for. The people who bought the right phone for their use case.

        I’m not wasting another second on you if your idea of discourse is ‘this is what you sound like, myeh myeh myeh.’ Childmove nonsense.

        If you don’t want me to point it out, stop sounding like that I guess.

        • @mindbleach
          6 months ago

          ‘You should know it’s broken!’ Nothing should be sold broken, this way. Stop blaming the victims of this abuse. Stop parroting Apple’s excuses for a decision obviously fueled by naked greed.

          No company should have the ability to do what Apple does to iPhone users.

          Android also has a walled garden. If you want to stay in it… you can just… not leave. No such option exists for iPhone users, and it’s been intolerable bullshit for sixteen straight years.

          • @thecrotch
            16 months ago

            ‘You should know it’s broken!’ Nothing should be sold broken, this way.

            It’s not broken. It works exactly as it was designed and marketed. It’s not for you, and you apparently can’t conceive of a device made for anyone else.

            No company should have the ability to do what Apple does to iPhone users.

            Sell them exactly the experience they paid for?


            Interesting point, Android exists. What’s stopping you from buying one if you don’t like the iPhone? Why are you so entitled that you believe apple should cater to your use case when there’s a myriad of other phones you could buy?

            • @mindbleach
              6 months ago

              It’s for whoever owns it.

              It’s your computer.

              No company should tell you what you can’t do with your own god-damn computer.

              Do you lack object permanence? Or do you circle back to blaming the victim just to piss me off? The existence of phones that don’t deny people’s rights will never excuse abusive garbage. Android does what you want out of iOS, and all you have to do is not fuck with it. Your excuses make no goddamn sense. Meanwhile: Apple’s spent a decade and a half fighting their own customers who had to jailbreak their own devices just to see the file system.

              Why the fuck would someone not be entitled to have their computer do what they want?

              • @thecrotch
                06 months ago

                Do you buy a dog, then bitch and moan that the breeders are violating your rights when you can’t teach it to meow?

                Philosophical discussions about whether Apples ecosystem is fair are irrelevant to my point. There’s a market for what they sell, a huge market. Millions and millions of people who don’t give a shit if they can sideload apps. And you, if you bought one of these phones expecting to sideload, are a fucking idiot who should have done his homework.

                • @mindbleach
                  16 months ago

                  Congratulations! Your stupid analogy is not a stupid car analogy. Still nonsense, but not the tritest possible nonsense.

                  This is a practical matter. Dismissing the demand for your devices to fucking work does not make that necessity any less practical. People are either left without what they need - or forced to switch platforms.

                  The fact they can switch platforms is still no excuse. And Google almost ruined it anyway, for pure naked greed. Would that impact your argument in the slightest? Or is waggling your hand in Android’s direction just a convenient way to dodge the point?

                  People’s expectations are not at issue. It’s what people want. And for sixteen fucking years, iOS users have wanted control. They’ve had it sometimes - Apple stole it back from them. Apple made it so unobtainable that people called it “jailbreaking,” and then Apple made it even less obtainable. This is an active abuse committed against people who just want their science-fiction wireless pocket gizmo to do what they fucking tell it to. The reasons are pure greed behind clumsy facades.

                  Apple takes a third of all money spent through every iPhone. If you spent money in an app, on anything, Apple took an entire third. Their power is so blunt and their fear is so strict that when Facebook tried just telling people about this, Apple demanded they censor their website, and Facebook caved.

                  But it’s just imaginary dogs and philosophy, so pbbbt.

                  • @Chakravanti
                    16 months ago

                    This guy is correct about a few things…partially…for all the wrong reasons and the wrong vision and understanding to boot. I’m not talking to him cuz IDGAF about him one bit. I can’t fix xucking stupid.

                    I mean to address your misunderstanding of ownership. Technically you’re right. In that the object is in your possession and right to do as you will with, if you can. It is NOT, however, your computer unless you’re executing strictly FOSS and FOSH to boot. Even the latter is shy a hair inside the Librem 5 which so still suffering proper development and gorramn expensive. With zero financial support in its acquisition.

                    I’ve got a CalyxOS on a P4XL and strict enough to use PW only and just occasionally give my Librem 5 a go just to see it’s functionality but gotta say, I expect nothing despite having zero regret investing it before it’s production.

                    Go FOSS or go to hell, literally. Disregard all religious references. This planet will become hell in very little time unless we use FOSS to take control of every fucking digital thing. Period.