• acargitz
      6 months ago

      Wtf are you talking about, there is no swap to be made. Both Gaza and the entirety of the West Bank belong to Palestinians. There is plenty of land in Israel proper, the settlers should just GTFO.

      • @[email protected]
        236 months ago

        Settlers Aka occupiers.

        Amazing no one stop to ask where these “settlers” come from?

        • acargitz
          106 months ago

          Are you claiming that the last few decades we have seen the kind of Anti-semitism of the beginning of the 20th century that would justify a program of mass settlement of Jewish people on land outside Israel? Because that is a ridiculous thing to say.

          There is no mass scale anti-semitism. Israel is not the safest place for Jews (north america is). Palestinian land is not needed for Jewish settlement, Israel proper has plenty plenty of land, enough to be proposing land swaps every now and then.

          Israeli settlements are entirely indefensible and entirely a crime.

          • @porkins
            16 months ago

            Archaeology has repeatedly confirmed that the Jewish peoples originated in the Southern Levant thousands of years prior to Arabs leaving the Arabian Peninsula. Archaeology has also repeatedly confirmed that the presence of Arabs and the Arabic language in the Middle East and North Africa everywhere outside of the Arabian Peninsula, including the Southern Levant where Israel is situated, is the result of past imperialist colonialist expansions and forced assimilations.

            Historic records repeatedly emphasize not only the Indigenous presence of Jews in the Southern Levant, but the fact that there remained a number of them in the Southern Levant to meet every outside group which came into the region, including Arabs. Even Arabic and Ottoman Empire historical records confirm that Jews were in the Southern Levant before them.

            Case in point, the historic and linguistic origins of the name, “Jew.” European languages call Jews “Jude,” “Jew,” etc, because they are shortened derivations from “Judean.” A “Judean” is a native of “Judea” which was one the historic Jewish nations in the Southern Levant which predates Arabs arriving in the Southern Levant. Even the terms that Arabic speakers use for Jews, “Yahud” and “Yahudi,” testify that Jews are the Indigenous population of the Southern Levant. As there is no “J” sound in Hebrew, the actual name of “Judea” was “Yahuda.” A “Yahud” or “Yahudi” is a native of the historical Southern Levantine nation of “Yahuda.”

            • acargitz
              16 months ago

              Buddy, I’m Greek. I know this argument and it’s bullshit. We don’t have a right to the coast of Asia Minor, Constantinople/Istanbul or the South of Italy and Jews don’t have a right to Eretz Israel just because of what happened in antiquity.

              • @porkins
                16 months ago

                What you seem to be saying then is that the argument that past colonialism doesn’t matter therefore present colonialism shouldn’t matter either.

                • acargitz
                  16 months ago

                  Are you seriously trying to pitch Israeli apartheid and occupation as some kind of anti-colonial struggle?Like, seriously, that’s your angle here?

                  Malaka, I’m from the Balkans. We have seen nationalists of a thousand different varieties do a thousand different crimes in the name of what you call “past colonialism”. It’s precisely under that kind of banner that the Serbs massacred Srebrenica. It’s what we did in Tripolitsa. It’s what the Ustasha did to the Serbs, what the Bulgarians did to the Greeks, what the Turks did to the Armenians and the Greeks, it’s what we all did to the Jews, and so on and so on.

                  So GTFO with the bullshit. Go sell it to the kind of idiotic Evangelical Americans that Bibi thinks he can ally himself.

                  • @porkins
                    16 months ago

                    Well. If no one can claim land permanently, then it all becomes a negotiation of words and actions regarding who gets to live where. The people in Palestinian Territories are beholden to those that let them have their independence. They abused those freedoms granted to them. If they did not like settlers in their territory, then they should have treated the situation diplomatically instead of murdering and raping like savages. Hamas should surrender instead of hiding behind civilians.

        • @[email protected]
          76 months ago

          Europe, and since they’re so intent on genociding the native population like the other europeans who colonised the U.S, Canada, Australia and New Zealand did, it is time they go back home (Deutschland especially)

          Remember there’s always a place for Jews in Europe and the rest of the developed world, not so much for palestinians and other brown ppl.