I have. Communism, as practiced, is fascist. Theres no getting around it, communism a hyper-authoritarian system. The people are literally slaves to the state.
The thing is you’re pointing out that every communist attempt has ended in fascism. But that’s bad minded people taking over good minded peoples good idea. But communism itself isn’t fascism.
If you see people as unable to change, then yeah communism will always lead to fascism unfortunately. It’s people with bad intentions that ruin it for everyone.
Lenin swore that if Stalin took over after his death things would go to shit because he was too ruthless, and we all know what happened with that.
cOmMunIsM iS fAsCisM afTEr aLl. Read a book, you actual doorknob.
I have. Communism, as practiced, is fascist. Theres no getting around it, communism a hyper-authoritarian system. The people are literally slaves to the state.
Dunno how that works since communism is, by definition, stateless.
The thing is you’re pointing out that every communist attempt has ended in fascism. But that’s bad minded people taking over good minded peoples good idea. But communism itself isn’t fascism.
If every attempt ends in fascism, is communism a stepping stone to fascism?
If you see people as unable to change, then yeah communism will always lead to fascism unfortunately. It’s people with bad intentions that ruin it for everyone.
Lenin swore that if Stalin took over after his death things would go to shit because he was too ruthless, and we all know what happened with that.