• PeachyMcPeachface
    81 year ago

    “I don’t need to learn anything else in this world.” has the same meaning as “I know everything” imo. Logically, that tracks. If you don’t need to learn anything else, it’s because you know everything. “want” and “need” create two very different sentences. If she had said “I don’t want to learn anything else,” then fine, whatever, you do you.

    That was the process of reading comprehension. If the reader is missing context, and/or is unable to integrate the reading to life experience that’s a different issue; that had nothing to do with reading comprehension.

    I guess I was taking it too literally, based on your response.

    • @pec
      31 year ago

      I read it the same way.

      It’s really a bad choice of words for a written conversation. Orally the tone applied to “need” would probably help. Also the interlocutors are familiar to each other and the conversation is probably charged with emotions.

      Either way not “needing” or “wanting” to learn anything else is arrogant

    • @Atomic
      -51 year ago

      For someone who has to proclaim to the world that they’re autistic, you seem awfully defensive on your reading comprehension. Didn’t mean to strike a nerve.

      Saying you don’t need to learn anything else. Is not the same as “I know everything”. She knows she doesn’t know everything. And that’s fine. She doesn’t NEED to. I don’t NEED to learn anything more about bike repairs. I know enough. Does that mean I know everything? No. Just that I’m content with what I know, and i get by just fine.

      • PeachyMcPeachface
        -21 year ago

        Go google the six skills of reading comprehension. You don’t know what you’re talking about and I’m not going to sit here to do the work for you when you’re not ready to listen. None of those skills have anything to do with taking something too literally, you’re being ableist.

        • @Atomic
          -31 year ago

          You were literally unable to correctly comprehend what you read in the post. But okay, It’s not your reading comprehension. It’s your “autism”. If blaming that for not understanding rather than something else makes you feel better. Go ahead.