• @[email protected]
    1536 months ago

    Dallas County Sheriff Adam Infante said that school had not yet started when the shooting began.

    “Luckily, so there were very few students and faculty in the building, which I think contributed to a good outcome in that sense,” he said at a news briefing.

    Maybe it’s a bad selected quote but using the phrase “good outcome” because only 3 people were shot in a school is insane, to me.

    • @[email protected]
      956 months ago

      This one won’t even make the cut as a mass shooting because not enough people were injured.

      Way to go America.

      • The Pantser
        266 months ago

        Which is why we need to track school shootings in it’s own category.

        • @[email protected]
          246 months ago

          Then people will complain that an accidental discharge in the school parking lot gets lumped in with this, or that mass shootings at schools get double counted because they’re mass shootings and school shootings, or some other nonsense to avoid admitting that there’s a problem.

          • Flying Squid
            156 months ago

            I really don’t understand their “gang killings don’t count as mass killings” argument. Like somehow those are different because gangs?

            • @[email protected]
              6 months ago

              The consensus is that people don’t care about gang members when it’s inter-gang violence. Aside from the obvious, the biggest issue with that stance is that more often than not it’s some 6 yr old bystander who’s shot through the wall of their house. Disgusting.

              *edit fixed autocorrect

              • @[email protected]
                76 months ago

                I feel like gang shootings would be a little more adversarial. Basically two groups with animosity towards the other coming to a head and the aggressor could be from either side. School shootings and other mass shootings are more vengeful and one sided.

                That’s my take at least. Not that the loss of life isn’t tragic all the same.

                • @[email protected]
                  26 months ago

                  Basically two groups with animosity towards the other coming to a head and the aggressor could be from either side.

                  Any time a group of cops shoot at someone it should probably count as a gang shooting.

            • @otp
              46 months ago

              I’m generally very anti-gun, but I can see the rationale behind separating gang killings. Just like separating out familicide from mass shootings where a person shoots their three kids, their wife, then themself. Not a mass shooting in the sense that the general public was at risk of being a target.

            • @[email protected]
              26 months ago

              I kind of get it. Like we were focusing on the shootings where someone goes to a school, a mall, concert, etc, and just starts killing people. It’s still a shooting, and people still die, and it is unnecessary violence, but it’s still different. Similar to how if I, a white guy, kill a black man, it’s just murder… until I do it while screaming the n word. Now suddenly its different.

              It also feels a little convenient in the aspect that people were pointing out how many of the mass shootings were done by white people… So then they add in gang shootings. Now more of them are done by other races.

      • @Kecessa
        66 months ago

        Killed you mean, you could have 400 injured, it’s not a mass shooting if there is less than four death.

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          Four deaths would make it a mass killing. People being hit with bullets fired from a gun is a shooting even if they don’t die.

    • BruceTwarzen
      56 months ago

      That noob never even went to a firing range to properly train to shoot kids. An embarrassment for the nation, really.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        Yeah, but also when you do that you got to get the smaller targets all set up and people always want to small talk about what school you are shooting and why, and someone always ends up bringing up Jews…

        I can see why you wouldn’t even bother going to the range to practice anymore. Such a hassle.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      So now it is a “good outcome” if only a few kids get shot. Can America sink even lower? Just watch the daily series “School Shootings”, Mo-Fr in your news channel!

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      It’s a “good outcome” for the pro-gun community because it’s a small school shooting that should be easy to sneak under the rug.

      It’s obviously a horrific outcome for the victims, students, their families and their teachers, but who gives a fuck about them? The killers dad was the only one profitable to the gun lobby and a font of power for Republicans.